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motion to refer case to mediation

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A motion to refer case to mediation is a request made to a court to refer a legal dispute to mediation. The motion can be filed by either party or by the court itself. The purpose of the motion to refer case to mediation is to request the court to suspend the proceedings temporarily and refer the case to mediation.

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method where a neutral third party helps the parties involved in a legal dispute reach a mutually acceptable settlement. Mediation is often less expensive and time-consuming than going to trial, and it can also help preserve the relationships between the parties.

To draft a motion to refer case to mediation, the following information should be included:

1.     The title of the motion to refer case to mediation

2.     The parties involved in the case

3.     The case number and the court where the case is pending

4.     A brief description of the legal dispute

5.     The reasons why the case should be referred to mediation

6.     The proposed mediator’s name and qualifications

7.     Any relevant dates, such as the deadline for the mediation to take place

It is important to note that the requirements for a motion to refer case to mediation may vary depending on the jurisdiction. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the local court rules and procedures before drafting and filing the motion.

To file a motion to refer case to mediation, the following steps should be taken:

1.     Prepare the motion according to the local court rules and procedures.

2.     Serve a copy of the motion to refer case to mediation to all parties involved in the case.

3.     File the original motion and proof of service with the court.

4.     Pay any required filing fees.

After the motion to refer case to mediation is filed, the court will review it and decide whether to grant or deny the motion. If the court grants the motion to refer case to mediation, it will issue an order referring the case to mediation. The order will typically include the deadline for the mediation to take place and any other relevant instructions.

In conclusion, a motion to refer case to mediation is a useful tool for parties involved in a legal dispute who want to avoid trial and reach a mutually acceptable settlement. The motion to refer case to mediation should be drafted according to the local court rules and procedures and should include all the necessary information.

It is important to note that while mediation can be an effective way to resolve legal disputes, it may not be suitable for all cases. Therefore, parties involved in a legal dispute should consult with their attorneys to determine whether mediation is the right option for their case.


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