We are very pleased to be introducing this handbook to you and we hope that you will read it carefully, whether you have just joined us or you have been with us for some time.  

The handbook is designed to give you details of the processes, company operating practices and procedures we have in place and to help you and the expectations we, and our customers have of our businesses through providing, good food, a family friendly environment and great service. It also acts as a reference book when you need to know details of your terms and conditions of employment, and other employment information.


The core of the Employee’s duties towards the Employer is a duty to obey all lawful and reasonable order and to perform such work as she / he is directed to perform which falls within his / her vocational ability.

Without limiting the aforesaid duties, the Employee is obliged to strictly comply with the provision of this agreement, may not misappropriate the Employer’s property, keep all information entrusted to him / her confidential and have to adhere to the general Code of Conduct that governs all relations with co-employees and clients.


An employee who is unable to attend work due to ill health is required to observe the following procedure:   

Day 1 of Absence   

  • Report absence and reasons as soon as possible but within 2 hours of your normal start time to your Line Manager/Duty Manager.
  • Notification should be made personally wherever possible, and by telephone, text messages are not acceptable.
  •  At the same time, indicate the expected date of return to work.  
  • If you have been suffering from an infectious or contagious disease or illness, you must not report for work without clearance from your own doctor.
  • An employee, who is found after investigation, knowingly to have made an untrue claim with regard to absence due to sickness, will be treated in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedure.


The company is fully committed to providing a harmonious working environment in which employees are able to maximise their full potential and to contribute to business success, irrespective of their gender, race, disability, age, religion, belief or marital status. The company is committed to identifying and eliminating discriminatory practices, procedures and attitudes throughout the organisation.  

The company believes that all employees are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect while at work and also when representing the business in any capacity outside of work.  The company expects employees to support this commitment and to assist in all possible ways.     The aim of this policy is to prevent discrimination, provide guidance to resolve any problem should it occur and prevent recurrence.   

Preventing Discrimination in Employment  

The company endeavours to ensure that no employee or job applicant is discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, disability, religion, age or belief

Equal Opportunities Awareness  

The company expects high standards of conduct from its employees in respect of equality of opportunity in employment.  It aims to make employees aware of the need for equality in the workplace, the impact that discrimination may have on fellow employees and what the consequences of derogatory conduct or remarks may include.  Where necessary, the company will take steps to ensure there is an appropriate awareness amongst employees of the effects of discriminatory behaviour.  

Bullying & Harassment, Whistle Blowing  

Harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual, racial or disability nature directed towards an employee by a fellow employee (or group of employees) which is regarded as unwelcome and offensive by the recipient.  Harassment may include:  

• Unwanted physical contact, ranging from touching to serious assault; • Unwelcome sexual advances, propositions, suggestions or pressure to participate in social activities outside work where it has been made clear that this is not welcome;

• Suggestions that sexual favours may further an employee’s career, or that refusal may hinder it;

• Conduct, which is intimidating, such as physical, verbal and non-verbal abuse.  This includes the display of sexually explicit or racially offensive material, the use of sexually explicit or racially offensive humour, and comments of a discriminatory nature, whether directed specifically at any particular individual or not.  

It is the impact of this behaviour, which is relevant, not the motive or intended aim.    

Employees’ Responsibilities  

All employees have the right to work in an environment, which is free from any form of harassment.  All employees have a responsibility to help ensure a working environment in which the dignity of employees is respected; employees must ensure their behaviour to colleagues, clients or customers, does not cause offence and could not in any way be considered to be harassment.    

If an Employee Is Accused of Discrimination and Harassment  

If an employee is accused of acting in a discriminatory manner towards a fellow employee or a job applicant, or if they are accused of harassment, they will be given a proper opportunity to rebut the allegation as part of the investigation, and provide an explanation of their actions.  

If it is concluded that there was no discrimination or harassment, this will be the end of the matter.  If it is concluded that a false claim has been maliciously made against the employee, the person or persons responsible may be subject to disciplinary action.  

Whistle Blowing  

The Company always wants to work in the most ethical way possible, and this means working within the law.  If you believe that there is something happening in the company, which is not as it should be (such as a criminal offence or something which endangers a colleague’s health and safety) then we encourage you to report it.  We will ensure that if you follow the correct procedure and are not acting maliciously, you will be protected from any recriminations.  

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