Sender’s name,                                                                                                                                                            Sender’s Address                                                                                                                                              City, State, Zip Code


Recipient’s name,                                                                                                                                                            Recipient’s Address                                                                                                                                              City, State, Zip Code


To Whom It May Concern


My name is Sender’s name, a US citizen, and I am writing this letter in support of Name of Subject’s waiver application to the Immigration Department.

Name of Subject, my mother, first came to the United States through Canada ten years ago. And since then, she has not only abided by all immigration and other laws but also been an invaluable part of our family. Her possible permanent return to Ghana would cause me irreparable hardship.

I am writing this as a first-semester Bachelor of Science in Nursing student and always readily acknowledge that were it not for my mother’s ever-present emotional and financial support in those years she has been in this country, I would not have come as far as I have. She encouraged and continues encouraging me to no end, she pays my nursing school tuition fees and supports me in even more ways as I happen to be a wife and mother to a young family.

The financial and emotional demands of caring for a 4 and 6-year-old, a husband, and focusing on my nursing studies have been taxing and were it not for my mom, I doubt I would still have my wits about me. She has been and continues to be the literal pillar of my life.

As it has been very difficult to hire sitters for our kids due to fiscal constraints, my mother happily and enthusiastically offered to move from Connecticut to our home in Oregon to assist my husband and I take care of them. And the kids, who simply adore her, can’t wait to be with their grandma all the time. I am as glad for the move as the kids are because I will have her nearby too.

It would cause my family and me untold hardship and jeopardize my Nursing Studies if my mother were suddenly compelled to leave at such a critically important time of my life. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree that my mother pays for and that my husband and I could not afford otherwise remains the surest way to give my children the best possible life. And this is not to mention the invaluable emotional support that my mother’s physical presence brings my family and me. She keeps me grounded, she encourages me, she loves my children and plans on only spending more and more time with them at a time when my husband and I especially need her. I honestly do not know what I would do without my mother. I would suffer present unbearable hardship and jeopardize the future prospects afforded by my Bachelor of Nursing studies if my mother was not here anymore. The support she gives me would be irreplaceable.

In light of the above, I humbly request that you consider Name of Subject’s waiver application favorably.



Signature of Sender,    

Name of Sender

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