We strive to provide our guests with an exceptionally clean, safe, and friendly hotel experience. The following Hotel Policy has been established based on industry standards, management and operational procedures, and our personal experience of owning and operating the hotel. These Hotel Policy Rules are considered a part of our reservation agreement with you. As our hotel guest, by reading and signing your hotel registration you are agreeing to abide by all of our Hotel Policy, terms and conditions, and procedures. These Hotel Policy are presented here to help promote our guests’ safety and enjoyment and to ensure that each guest is aware of the understandings between the you and us. Our Hotel Policy/House Rules may change from time to time, so please check back often.
For safety and to assure that our facility is not exposed to items or actions that create an odour which is unhealthy and objectionable to our guests and staff, and that is difficult to remove from the air, carpet, walls, and furniture we do not permit smoking tobacco, marijuana, illegal drugs, e-cigarettes, vape pens, vaping, cartridges containing the liquid of nicotine, hookahs, incense, cooking, cigars, candle burning, the use or diffusing of patchouli oil or other strong-smelling plant-based essential oils or synthetic products in our facility.
Guests are encouraged to notify Front Desk staff immediately if they smell cigarette, marijuana, or other objectionable odours. This policy is not intended to stop people from smoking, but to regulate where they smoke and how it affects others. A Designated Smoking Area is provided outside and away from the building.
All reservations must be guaranteed with a valid major credit card. Guests must be 18 years and older. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover Card. We do not charge your credit card at the time you make your reservations. Your credit card guarantees your reservations. Please make sure to receive a reservation confirmation number when you make a reservation. Reservations must be cancelled Forty-eight (48 hours), hotel time, prior to your arrival date, in order to avoid a one (1) room night, plus tax cancellation fee. Reservations will be held until 11:00 a.m. the morning following your scheduled arrival date. If you have not checked in by that time, a NO-SHOW charge of one room night, plus tax will be charged to your credit card and the balance of your reservations will be cancelled. We are not responsible for weather conditions, personal emergencies, or schedule changes.
4:00 p.m.
Early check-in is offered based on availability. If you require a guaranteed check-in for arrival prior to 4 p.m. then Pre-Registration and payment may be required. Please contact Front Desk staff directly to make reservations and complete a credit card authorization form prior to your arrival.
Guests must be at least 18 years of age to check in at [NAME OF HOTEL]. In the interests of security and to prevent fraud, guests are required to confirm their identity by providing their valid government issued photo identification (State driver’s license, passport, etc.) at check-in. A valid, signed, and pre-approved credit card in the name of the guest registration is also required.
We require valid contact information from the guest making the reservations including first and last name, address, phone number, and signature. The names of all guests occupying the room must be registered. Information regarding your license plate/car description is also gathered at check-in for security.
Room rental period expires at 11:00 a.m. Additional day charge, plus tax may apply for late checkout.
Check-out time is 11 a.m. Please check-out with Front Desk so that housekeeping may begin cleaning your room as soon as possible. If you require a later check-out, please contact Front Desk prior to the day of your departure and we will do our best to accommodate your request. A charge may apply for late check-out.
Guests who check out of the hotel after 11:00 a.m. and prior to their scheduled departure date are subject to an early departure fee of one night, plus tax.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason(s) that does not violate Federal or State laws. We have a zero-tolerance policy in which we will refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodation in our hotel or may remove a person, without refund, who refuses to abide by the reasonable standards and policies established by the law and the owners for the operation and management of the hotel. We will refuse service or evict a guest: for refusal or failure to pay for accommodations, is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other intoxicating substance and acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests or is not in compliance with state liquor laws; acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests; is unable to properly supervise their children at all times, seeks to use the hotel for an unlawful purpose; seeks to bring into the hotel: an unlawfully possessed firearm; or something, including an explosive or hazardous or toxic substance, that is unlawful to possess and that may be dangerous to other persons; destroys, damages, defaces, or threatens harm to hotel property or guests; causes or permits persons to exceed the maximum allowable occupancy of room, refuses to abide by the reasonable standards or policies established by us for the operation and management of our hotel.
We are not responsible for weather conditions, personal emergencies, or schedule changes. Reservations must be cancelled forty-eight (48 hours) hotel time, prior to your arrival date, in order to avoid a one (1) night full room cancellation fee. If reservations are cancelled less than 48 hours before the arrival date, your credit card may be charged the full room charge plus taxes. If you are staying more than one (1) night, only the first night and taxes will be charged. If you cancel any reservation, you must obtain and save the cancellation number for your records.
Failure to check in on the scheduled arrival date for a reservation guaranteed with a credit card will result in a No-Show fee being charged to your credit card. You will only be charged the first night, one (1) night’s full room rate plus taxes and the balance of the reservation will be cancelled.
Large group/Block reservations must be cancelled eight (8) weeks prior to arrival date. Reservations cancelled after that date may be charged one (1) full room charge plus tax for each room reserved and the balance of their reservations cancelled.
Well behaved children of all ages are welcomed. Children aged 12 and under stay for free when sharing a room with one or more paying adult(s), using existing bedding. As the parents, guardians, or chaperones of children you are personally and legally responsible for and must supervise them at all times for safety reasons, please do not leave children unattended in guest rooms or allow them to roam the hotel property unsupervised. Children under the age of 13 are not allowed in the hot tub area without being accompanied and supervised by their parent/guardian/chaperone.
We assume no liability for lost, misplaced, stolen, or damaged valuables or belongings. If you discover that you have left behind something of value to you, please call us immediately and we will try to assist you in locating your lost item.
We are not responsible for any item left behind by a guest. However, any item, with the exception of perishable items, left behind by our guests and found after departure by Housekeeping will be collected, logged in, and kept in a secure location for collection by the owner for up to fourteen (14) days. Records of Lost & Found items are retained for five years. Reasonable effort will be made to notify the guest that an item has found. Perishable items, underwear, and miscellaneous toiletries are discarded.
Lost & Found items are held for fourteen (14) days while we attempt to contact the guest. If guest contact information is incorrect or cell phone mailbox is full and we are unable to contact the guest during the fourteen (14) day holding period, the unclaimed item(s) are thrown away, given to local organisations, or disposed of accordingly.
The hotel is fully equipped with smoke detectors, fire safety information in Guest Room Notebook, and emergency evacuation plans on the door of each guest room. Please review this important information.
We reserve the right to refuse accommodations to a guest arriving with a contagious disease. In cases where sickness occurs during the stay, please notify the Front Desk staff. In the case of serious sickness, you may be requested to receive appropriate health care from a nearby healthcare facility. During epidemics we are entitled to employ precautionary measures within our judgment or as required by local authorities. We may charge you a room cleaning fee as we deem appropriate under the circumstances.
The cleanliness of our rooms is extremely important to our guests. If you bring any infestation into your room or onto our hotel premises, we may charge you for any and all costs and expenses, including immediate or urgent response requirements and loss of room revenue, that we deem necessary to address the infestation.
Guest Rooms found with waste strewn around, in complete disorder, and/or “trashed” will be subject to maintenance deep cleaning fee, administration fee and/or third-party fees.
Damage to rooms, fixtures, furnishing and equipment including the removal of electronic equipment, towels, art work, etc. will be charge at 120% of full and new replacement value plus any shipping and handling charges. Any damage to hotel property, whether accidental or wilful, is the responsibility of the registered guest for each particular room. Any costs associated with repairs and/or replacement will be charged to the credit card of the registered guest. In extreme cases, criminal charges will be pursued.
We reserve the right to act against any guest or visitor found to have tampered or interfered with any detection equipment throughout the hotel, including detector heads in public areas, guest rooms, break glass points and fire extinguishers. Guests or visitors found to have tampered with any fire detection or fire-fighting equipment will be charged with any costs incurred by the hotel due to their actions and will be evicted from the hotel.
We reserve the right to amend, modify, change, cancel, vary or add to these Hotel Policies/House Rules or the arrangements and content featured on our Hotel website at any time without prior notice. Please check our website regularly for updates to Hotel Policy/House Rules. Any modification to these Hotel Policy/House Rules that occurs before your departure is considered a part of your reservation agreement with us. A copy of these Hotel Policy/House Rules is located on our website, in the Guest Room Notebook, and available from Front Desk staff upon request.
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