This Agreement is entered on ______________ between THE TRUCK MASTER SCHOOL, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”) and _______________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”). Together referred to as the “parties”.

  1. Position.

The Employer shall employ the employee as a Sales Manager on a full-time basis under this Agreement.

The agreed working hours are; –

  1. Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm and;
  2. Saturday from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
  • Term.

The Agreement between the parties shall be for one (1) year to three (3) years, subject to change as agreed between the parties herein.

  • Compensation.

The Employer agrees to pay the employee $______ as a monthly deal. The employer agrees that the payments herein shall be paid out bi-weekly.

  • Start date.

The effective date of this Agreement shall be on ______________.

  • Employee’s Duties.

As a Sales Manager, the employee will have the following duties and responsibilities; –

  1. Make sales.
  2. Sign up 25 to 40 a month.
  3. Collect debt from customers who owe the company.
  4. Manage schedules and provide to instructors.
  5. Keep all customer’s files in good order.
  6. Collect needed paperwork from students and file it correctly.
  7. Answer phone calls.
  8. Manage classroom students and schedules.
  9. Keep office building clean and presentable.
  10. Use all tools company has to make students succeed and company process to succeed.
  11. Responsible for employees’ files to be in order and where they belong.
  • Confidentiality.

During the performance of this Agreement, the employee shall have access to the employer’s confidential information, which shall not be shared with any third parties without prior written consent.

  • Non-Compete.

During the employment period and for a period following the termination of the employment, however, caused, the employee shall not seek any employment with any company that is in competition with the employer, its subsidiaries, or affiliates within.

The employee agrees that the above-established restrictions are reasonable and fair.

  • Termination.

Either party to this Agreement can terminate the terms herein at any time by issuing a written notice.

The employer has the right to terminate the employee’s services for not meeting the company’s needs.

  • Dispute Resolution.

If there arises any conflict or dispute during the performance of this Agreement, the same shall be negotiated between the parties amicable. If the same fails, the disagreement or dispute shall be referred to a neutral arbitrator whose final decision will be binding upon the parties.

  1. Governing Law.

The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada and the State of California, whichever applies.

  1. Entire Agreement.

This Agreement contains the complete and entire Agreement of both the employer and the employee. There are no other promises or conditions, oral or written, outside of what is contained herein in this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between both parties.

  1. Severability.

Should any provision contained within this Agreement be deemed invalid or unenforceable, in part or whole, such invalidity or unenforceability will attach only to the particular provision or portion of this Agreement. In contrast, the remaining aspects of the said provision and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties herein have executed this agreement on the date below; –

THE EMPLOYER: _____________________Signature: ____________________________Date: _________________________________Email address: _________________________Tel. No: _______________________________ THE EMPLOYEE: _____________________Signature: ____________________________Date: _________________________________Email address: _________________________Tel. No: _______________________________

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