LEGAL SYLLOGISM DEFINITION Syllogism is a logical reasoning, consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion. Every action at law to redress a wrong or enforce a right, if properly instituted, is a syllogism of which the major premise is the...
BODILY INJURY LIABILITY INTRODUCTION TO THE BODILY INJURY LIABILITY COURSE Welcome to the Bodily Injury Liability course. The purpose of this course is to arm you, the insurance adjuster and insurance agent, with the relevant and adequate knowledge on matters...
FIDUCIARIES INTRODUCTION TO THE FIDUCIARIES COURSE Welcome to the Fiduciaries course. The purpose of this course is to arm you, the insurance adjuster and insurance agent, with the relevant and adequate knowledge on matters pertaining to Fiduciaries. At the end of...
LIVERY EXPOSURES INTRODUCTION TO THE LIVERY EXPOSURES COURSE Welcome to the Livery Exposures course. The purpose of this course is to arm you, the insurance adjuster and insurance agent, with the relevant and adequate knowledge on matters pertaining to Livery...
WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS _____________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS COURSE Welcome to the Warranties and Representations course. The purpose of this course is to arm you, the...
RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE INSURER ______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO THE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE INSURER COURSE Welcome to the Rights and Responsibilities of the Insurer course. The...