Cease and Desist

YOUR NAME ADDRESSS CITY, STATE, ZIP Code DATE RECIPIENT’S NAME/COMPANY STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE, ZIP Code Dear [Recipient’s Name], RE: Defamation- Cease and Desist It has come to my attention that you have maliciously made unsubstantiated and untrue statements about...


[Enter your name] [Enter your address] Date [Enter Name] [Enter Contact Details] Re: CEASE AND DESIST. To whom it may concern, I refer to Case No. ____________ This cease and desist letter serves as my formal notification to you regarding my intention to file a...


Esther Tenao Atam 13621 Arcturus Ave. Gardena, CA 90249 Natashchan1@yahoo.com [Date] Loretta Melby, [Enter Address] Re: CEASE AND DESIST. Respectfully, I refer to Case No. 4002021005658 This cease and desist letter serves as my formal notification to you of my...