Esther Tenao Atam
13621 Arcturus Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249
Loretta Melby,
[Enter Address]
I refer to Case No. 4002021005658
This cease and desist letter serves as my formal notification to you of my objection to your
“Petition and Order Compelling Mental and/or Physical Examination”. I object to the Petition
and Order based on three grounds. First, your petition is based on a false and defamatory
report. Second, the Board of Registered Nursing had already received my mental health
report, which was from a credible source. Lastly, there appears to be collusion between
Kaizer Foundation of Hospitals (hereinafter “Kaizer”) and the Board of Registered Nursing,
which collusion is manifest from the conduct of my case at the Superior Court of California,
County of Los Angeles, case number 21STCV41538.
1. The Petition is based on a false and defamatory report
In your petition, you allege that my ability to practice as a registered nurse may be impaired
due to mental and/or physical illness. You further give an account of August 28, 2020, when
staff members allegedly reported that I was having a mental breakdown. You also allege that
the mental breakdown led to the release of my licensed duties.
On the contrary, I assert that the averments in your petition are influenced by the erroneous
report from Kaizer. The correct version of facts for the August 28, 2020 incidence is that I
was engaged in a casual conversation with Mr. Edwards, a previous co-worker, when I
mentioned that I had been harassed by two males within the last year at another job I held
before. At that time, I considered Mr. Edwards to be a friend since we often worked in the
same shift as nurses. It is after this incidence that Mr. Edwards started making negative
remarks about me to the hospital’s patients and staff, in an effort to discredit me and make me
appear as incompetent and incapable of performing my duties as a nurse.
It follows; the report from Kaizer is only out to cover up the harassment, and violations of
rights that I was subjected to.
2. The Board had already received my mental health report
The Board of Registered Nursing obtained my mental health records from a credible source
around a year ago. However, you opt to disregard the credible mental health records and to
rely instead on a falsified report from Kaizer. Contrary to Kaizer’s averments regarding the
August 28 th incidence, I had interacted with several people that morning, including Kevin, my

nurse friend, and Dr. Machete, MD. Notably, not one of these individuals stopped to question
me because there was nothing odd about my behavior.
For that reason, given that I had no record of prior mental health issues, the humiliation and
frustration caused by Kaizer made me feel stigmatized and infringed my rights and freedoms
such as the freedom from discrimination.
It follows; the Board is already in receipt of my mental health report, which is a legitimate
report from a credible source. Therefore, your reliance on Kaizer’s report to file the petition
is nothing but sheer frivolity and malice.
3. There appears to be collusion between Kaizer and the Board of Registered
I have observed that there is connivance between Kaizer and the Board of Registered
Nursing. For instance, I received the letter from the Attorney General’s Office, and your
petition, on July 14, 2022. Interestingly, I received Kaizer’s Motion for Summary Judgment
on the self-same day. This was definitely not a coincidence. It shows that the Board of
Registered Nursing is colluding with Kaiser.
Further, my court hearing is set for September 29, 2022, and your petition wants me to
submit to a psychiatric evaluation by August 14, 2022. Your petition should therefore not be
considered for the foregoing reason.
In light of the foregoing, I demand that you cease and desist from your petition to the Board
for an Order compelling my mental and physical examination. If you do not comply with my
demand, I will have no choice but to take legal actions against you for the aforesaid grounds.
This option will seriously impact your reputation.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: 13621 Arcturus Ave. Gardena, CA,


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