Consulting Services Engagement Letter

From Persona






Dear Sir/ Madam,

This letter highlights our engagement in the provision of consulting services to you. We are committed to offering our Services to our best abilities and per acceptable industry standards. Please read it carefully.

Scope of engagement

We shall provide the following Services:

HR Compliance & Administrative Support for Delba Riddick

H Drive Optimization: The JoLee team will perform an audit of all files to ensure proper compliance is achieved and maintained per Federal, State, and Local requirements. Once the audit is complete, we will establish

    • Ongoing checklist for continuity

    • Establish organization of the H Drive, including a format for preservation and naming conventions

    • Create the user guide for future use by the new HR team

Visa & Employer of Record (EOR) Administration: We will serve as the point of contact between the organization’s counsel to ensure necessary documentation is maintained and preserved based on various Visa and EOR requirements.

Policy Development: In partnership with organization leaderships, the JoLee team will review established mandates and legislation to and produce organization policies in the following areas:

    • Post-Pandemic Return to Work

    • Return to Travel

Employee Handbook Review & Revision: We will perform an audit of current policies and language to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and Local compliance requirements for the primary office and remote locations.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Implementation: The Campaign has contracted with for ATS services. The JoLee team will serve as the “super users” of the system. In this role. We will determine which functions of the system need to be deployed create learning materials for end-users, hiring managers, and other decision-makers. The materials will also be preserved as part of the handover for the future HR team.

HR Technology Support for Kysha Marshall

ADP Optimization: The JoLee team will review the current ADP WorkForceNow subscription to confirm current features. We will use this information to make recommendations for optimization. Deliverables include

    • cleaning of data within the system

    • Establishing user guides for end-users (employees) and supervisors

    • Confirm and Execute the Lever Integration

    • Optimize Benefits Administration function for day-to-day inquiries above and beyond open enrollment


The Jolee team agrees to provide ongoing support for 20 hours per week for three months. We will meet weekly with the primary points of contact to establish priorities and timelines during this time. At the end of the three months, we will confirm if continuation is needed.


For the Services provided, you shall pay US $6400 per month, payable on receipt of the invoices.

In addition, you may be charged for any administrative fees, filings, or any other costs directly or indirectly related to the Services.


As part of this letter, (check one)

☐ – A Retainer Payment is Required. The amount shall be $__________ due and payable at the time of signature. The Retainer Payment shall be: (check one)

☐ – Refundable

☐ – Non-Refundable

☐ – A Retainer Payment is Not Required.


The Services shall terminate: (check one)

☐ – Upon completion of the Services.

☐ – On the end date of ___________________, 20____.

☐ – Written notice by either party of ____ day(s).

☐ – Other. ________________________________________________________

Additional Terms

The following items are areas that fall within the capabilities of the JoLee group but are not included within this engagement. Should there be inquiries into any of these items, communication would need to be commenced to discuss additional costs and availability.

Employee-Facing Communication: We will provide advisory support as listed above to Delba and Kysha as the designated contacts for the engagement. Additionally, we will make ourselves available for communication with the leadership team if and when necessary. However, conversations with individual staff are not considered in scope. This includes:

    • Performance Management

    • Employee Relations issues

    • Benefits inquiries

    • Inquiries about policies after initial communication are provided to the staff.

Workplace Investigations: Conducting due diligence connected to investigations of any kind (Violation of organizational policies or government legislation or mandates.)

Payroll Administration: While we may gain access to your payroll system to optimize its use, we will not serve as payroll administrators or perform payroll-related tasks.

Learning & Development Services: Unless outlined in scope, The JoLee team will not provide training design or facilitation services.

Talent Acquisition & Management: We will not provide recruiting services (Talent Sourcing, Screening, Panel Management, Candidate communication) within this engagement.

Information provided

You shall be required to provide accurate and complete information to us in a timely manner. If any information produced by you is not accurate, we shall be held harmless from any legal, financial, or other liability resulting from such information.

You agree and state that we may rely on the information you provide without independent verification, that you are authorized to provide the information, and such disclosure is not prohibited by law or against any third-party rights.


You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend us, our directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any action, claim, demand, or liability, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, arising directly or indirectly from the provision of the Services herein to the maximum extent allowed by law.


Without your express written approval, we agree not to disclose, publish, or disseminate any information about you to anybody. All information we obtain throughout this engagement we will keep confidential.

All materials and information provided to you in connection with the Services are confidential and should not be shared with or relied on by anyone else.

You acknowledge and agree that we are not required to reveal or use any confidential information obtained from any other source in providing the Services.


We shall not be and shall not be regarded to be acting as the agent of any third party in making you aware of or introducing you to such third party for any purpose.

Conflict of interests

You accept that in providing the Services to you, we may be subject to potential or actual conflicts of interest; there may be occasions where a conflict of interest arises between your interests and those of other clients or counterparties, or between your interests and ours and, you hereby offer your informed consent to the provision of the Services under these circumstances.

Governing law and jurisdiction

    • Laws of _____________ govern this letter, and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of its courts.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and your acceptance of the terms mentioned above by signing below and returning a copy of this letter. This letter only defines our engagement should you opt to employ our Services, and you are not obligated to contact us for the Services.

Yours faithfully,



Accepted and agreed by:          

Name: ________________________

Signature: _____________________

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