Sabrina Gibson

451 Riverside Manor Blvd.

Fredericksburg, VA

757-327-8499, 304-964-0741


[Enter Date]


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This letter serves as my formal complaint with regards to the aforementioned subject matter. For about three years now, I have been harassed by EMS, Fire, and Law Enforcement, persons, who were hired by Thomas Roupas of Greensboro, NC; Elliot Fuss, of Winston Salem, NC; Taisha Wray of Charlotte, NC; and and Parr investments.

The subject matter of this letter arises from a lease agreement that I entered in North Carolina in 2018 at Stafford Place, located in Winston-Salem. After around two years of living in the said property, I began being harassed by the property managers, notably, Parr investments. I therefore hired the services of Thomas Par. In his engagement as my attorney for that matter, Thomas failed to fulfill his fiduciary relationship to me. He misadvised me to terminate the Lease Agreement, which I did not want to do, and did not do. Shortly after engaging Thomas’ services, the lease agreement was breached by Parr Investments and I was subsequently forced out of the apartment. I drafted an Email to Thomas notifying him that I did not want to leave the apartment, but Thomas either never read the Email, or never responded thereto. After that, Thomas and his accomplices attempted to convince me to change my side of the story of what really happened. They wanted me to state that I only left the apartment and was not evicted, which is far from the truth. They went to the extent of forging documents to make it appear that I had different terms of the lease that I initially singed up to. 

On or about June 2, 2020, I filed a case at the General Court of Justice, Guliford County, North Carolina, in an attempt to get redress for the injustices committed against me by Thomas. I had a limited budget and therefore had trouble finding an attorney to respond to Defendant’s filings, and to represent me in my case. On October 1, 2020, I filed a Motion for Continuance The Defendant filed an opposition to my Motion on or about October 2, 2020. My case was thereafter dismissed on November 9, 2020, with prejudice on the grounds that I failed to enter appearance for the hearing. It later turned out that I had been deceived into believing that the hearing date had been changed.  

. Consequently, the harassment against me heightened. The individuals responsible have been following me since then in every place I go. While staying at different apartment complexes, I was continuously harassed, which reason led me to opt to stay at the hotels and avoid my house. At some point, the alarms in one of the apartments I resided kept being set off every day. I had to draft a letter to the Property Manager to disconnect the alarm system because I could not bear it any longer. Accordingly, I had to buy out the apartment leases thus incurring heavy expenses. For instance, In May 2020, I left Riverside Townhomes in Fredrickburg, Virginia, after paying $2538 buyout. I could not stand all the harassment.  

I also have proof that they attempted to access my information to obtain my records. For instance, I realized that they tampered with my mail so that they could intercept all communications to and from me. They hacked my phone and computer. They were also recording every event in my life so that they may present it against me. For instance, they would secretly record me attending my weight loss clinic then upload a movie via Amazon Digital Movie. By such actions, they wanted to make it appear like I was under the influence of drugs or was over speeding. 

They called me at odd hours, like 3:00 am in the morning and threatened to either post, upload, reveal, my text messages, photos, emails, phone records, and even my family matters, if I reported that they were stalking and surveilling me. It is for that reason that they tracked me in all public places to obtain such information. 

Besides, they stole my personal items, probably on a fishing expedition to obtain my personal information. These include my birth certificates, documents, work records, computer, phones and my dashboard camera. 

I have reported my concerns and complaints to various agencies, departments, and individuals in pursuit of justice and redress for my trouble. These include the FBI of Virginia, the Justice Department, and the North Carolina Bar Association. I also sent my complaints to police departments such as the Winston Salem, NC Police Department, but never received any response to date. The Justice Department in DC informed me that the matter was outside their jurisdiction. 

I feel trapped and blackmailed. I have nowhere to go. My safety is not guaranteed anymore. I have been under surveillance. I have been forced to relocate from different apartments about five times, each time incurring further financial costs through lease buyouts. I was forced to live in Airbnbs. Besides, my personal information has been shared and as a result, I am being tracked on my addresses, and in everyplace I go.  For that reason, I am currently living without any phone, TV, or internet because of the harassment. 

I also cannot obtain a job for the same reason. Notably, they thwarted all my attempts to work. For instance, my most recent employment was at the Alexandria Virginia Surgery Department, Here, the culprits used my employer(s) to carry forward their harassment. I could not work any longer. Notably, I am a professional, who is duly trained in the Surgical Services Preoperative. The conduct of the persons involved therefore denies me the chance to proceed with my practice and make good use of my skills.  

In light of the foregoing, I humbly seek your indulgence into this matter with utmost urgency. My fundamental rights have been trampled for a long time now, by the constant harassment I have been receiving. Therefore, for the interest of justice, I seek a redress of the injuries I have suffered all this while. 

Thank you for your prompt consideration. 





Sabrina Gibson



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