first element Landlord’s consent .edited

Landlord’s consent: what happens when it goes wrong?  The issue of consent more so with regards to private property ownership and possession is dependent on the owner’s consent. Without consent, any action by another party can be viewed as trespass. Historically, the...

Wiki Trans-Pacific Partnership

Wiki Trans-Pacific Partnership The Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP), also known as P4,[6] is a trade agreement between four Pacific Rim countries concerning a variety of matters of economic policy. The Wiki Trans-Pacific Partnership...

federal autmobile exception

1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe general presumption is that a search conducted based on a search warrant’s authority is reasonable. Contrariwise, a warrantless search is regarded unreasonable. However, the unreasonableness presumption is rebuttable by applying various exceptions,...

Restaurant Partnership Agreement

Restaurant Partnership Agreement Various new restaurants elect to enter into restaurant partnership agreement samples with others. The selected partners often have the required finances and skills to steer a restaurant business towards success. Though such...

Physician Partnership Agreement Sample

Physician Partnership Agreement Sample A physician partnership agreement sample is not uncommon in the medical corridors. As the health care sector changes, most doctors are opting to form partnerships. Most medical practitioners are also merging various practice...