Hello. I am appealing a final restraining order with the Appellate Court in New Jersey. I would like to know if you could write the brief for me. https://www.njcourts.gov/attorneys/assets/rules/r2-6.pdf Thank you so much for taking care of this for me. The person you...
This letter is to ask the judge to please rule on the motion to vacate filed in July of 2021. I need assistance of an attorney, and allegations of prosecutoral misconduct. Evidence has been deleted, lost and missing. Please ask me if you have any questions Please...
I have edited the Motion for New Trial you wrote for me. Could I have you proof read it and make any changes for me. Thanks, can we ask for dismissal? Can we add the fact that Det. Vought commited a crime by deleting evidence? I want to make sure how wrong this was by...
I have another legal need. Thank you for the last one. Can you write a motion to dismiss a case base on the destruction of key evidence by the key witness? This is not new evidence, but evidence my public defender never showed at trial. My conviction is still with in...
I need to have a simple motion written. I am currently on a 2 year probation. During my case I served 251 days of probation after a plea deal was agreed on. The State did not honor their please bargin terms, so the plea deal was vacated. During that time I served 251...