Welcome to Curls and Curves Fitness
During the coming _2_monthsyou will learn ways to help yourself achieve a healthier
physique, mind, and lifestyle.
Please read the following. If anything is unclear, please ask. This Agreement is made today
between the Coach of the Program (named below) and the Client (named below).
The Program in which you are about to enroll will include all of the following:
1. Nutrition • Custom macronutrients, adjustments as needed.
2Two months
2. Training • Customized training plan. Your initial training phase is a .
Adjustments to be made as needed to progress optimally to fit the client’s schedule and goals.
Exercises, sets, reps, and intensity will be clearly defined.
3. Cardio • Customized cardio plan. Adjustments will be made as needed to meet the client’s
4. Communication • Availability to communicate via email. Advice for nutrition, training,
lifestyle, and mindset. Responses within 48 hours. • Weekly check-ins via email/video/zoom to
assess progress and make adjustments to training, nutrition, and cardio as needed to meet
the client’s goals and schedule. Included in this check-in isThis check-in includes a discussion
of your progress, struggles, and recommendations.
As your Coaches, it is our jobour job is to help you improve your physique, knowledge, lifestyle,
and mindset. To do this youYou must follow the program I send to you and provide me with the
necessary updates at check-ins.
Submit your check-in form and all of your training, nutrition, and cardio logs, and progress
photos by the check-in day each weekweekly check-in day on the agreed-upon day
Do I have your permission to share your transformation photos on my website and social media
after working together? (Choose one below)
Yes_ Yes (with the head removed) _ No
DocuSign Envelope ID: 59CBFF2A-9B2D-4713-AC55-417A2F9DE12F
The Client understands that he/she is responsible for the agreed-upon rate of services for the
length of the contract. After the contract has been fulfilled, the client will have the option to
continue training based on an agreed-upon rate between coaches and the client.
Actual payment terms vary and will be indicated below. You agree to pay the purchase price
and not to cancel this transaction with your bank or credit card company.
The Coach is not responsible for any overdraft charges, over-limit charges, or NSF fees by your
bank or credit card company. Fees for services may be prepaid. Missed payments may result in
suspension or termination of Services.
If, after 10ten days from a missed payment, you have not made arrangements with the
Coach to make up the payment, your services will be canceled, and no fees will be
refunded. Specific results from the program are based on the use of the services.
The Coach makes no representations or warranties as to specific outcomes or results. The
Coach cannot guarantee that you will become or remain happy, rich, healthy, or successful as it
is based on the individual taking action.
Refunds. No refunds will be provided at the Client’s request, even if the Client fails to follow
through with the coaching program.
Termination. If the Client determines they would like to terminate the Agreement at any time, a
50% buyout will be required. All payments for Program services received or begun up to the
current date must be paid on the termination date, as well as 50% in dollars of any future
month’s payments under the Agreement. If the Coaching Agreement is terminated for any
reason by any party,Suppose the Coaching Agreement is terminated for any reason by any
party. In that case, the 50% buyout payment and payment for all Program services rendered
must be current, made current, or paid by the Client on the date of termination, regardless of the
payment plan selected.
The Coach reserves the right to cancel the program if at any point she or he feels it is not
advantageous for the coaching program to continue. If this happens, the Client is only
responsible for the pro-rata share of coaching services receivedThe client is only responsible
for the pro-rata share of coaching services received if this happens. This Agreement will stay in
force and effect until the end of the term indicated above. Failure to pay required fees may
result in Coach terminating the Agreement prior to the end of the termtime and discontinuing
your access to Services.
The Client understands that the role of the Health Coach is not to prescribe medication, test
levels in the body, provide licensed health care, medical services, or to diagnose, treat or cure
any medical disease, condition, or other physical or mental diagnosed ailment of the human
DocuSign Envelope ID: 59CBFF2A-9B2D-4713-AC55-417A2F9DE12F
Rather, the Coach is a mentor and guide who has been trained in fitness and nutrition coaching
to help clients reach their own health goals by helping clients devise and implement positive,
effective, and sustainable lifestyle changes based on the program provided.
The Client understands that any advice given by the Coach is not meant to take the place of
advice by these professionals but instead to be an alternative or a complementary treatment.
If the Client is under the care of a healthcare professional or currently uses prescription
medications, the Client should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplements use
with his or her doctor, and shouldSuppose the Client is under the care of a healthcare
professional or currently uses prescription medications. In that case, the Client should discuss
any dietary changes or potential dietary supplements used with his or her doctor. They should
not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting his or her doctor.
The Client has chosen to work with the Coach and understands that the information received
should not be seen as medical or nursing advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing
licensed health professionals for issues that need immediate care.
Agreement and Release of Liability In consideration of being allowed to participate in the
activities and programs and online coaching services offered by Curls and Curves Fitness and
to use its programs and training, in addition to the payment of any fee or charge, I do hereby
waive, release and forever discharge and hold harmless Curls and Curves Fitness and its
consultants, officers, agents, and employees from any and all responsibility, liability, cost, and
expenses, including injuries or damages, resulting from my participation in any activities, or my
use of any programs or online coaching services designed by Curls and Curves Fitness.
I do also hereby release Curls and Curves Fitness, and its consultants, officers, agents, and
employees from any responsibility or liability for any injury, damage, or disorder (physical,
metabolic, or otherwise) to myself, or in any way arising out of or connected with my
participation in any activities with Curls and Curves Fitness, I understand and am aware that
strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment are potentially
hazardous activities.
I also understand that fitness activities involve a risk of injury and even death and that I. I am
voluntarily participating in these activities and usingvoluntarily participate in these activities and
use equipment and machinery with knowledge of the dangers involved. I hereby agree to
expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury or death related to said fitness
In addition, I certify that I am 18 years of age or older. I do hereby further declare myself to be
physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, infirmity, or other illness
that would affect nutrient metabolism or prevent my participation or use of equipment or
machinery except as hereinafter stated.
I do hereby acknowledge that Curls and Curves Fitness has recommended to me that I obtain a
physician’s approval for my participation in an exercise/fitness activity or in the use of exercise
equipment and machinery. I also acknowledge that Curls and Curves Fitness, has
recommended that I have a yearly or more frequent physical examination and consultation with
my physician as to physical activity, exercise, and use of exercise and training equipment so
that I might have his/her recommendations concerning these fitness activities and equipment
DocuSign Envelope ID: 59CBFF2A-9B2D-4713-AC55-417A2F9DE12F
I acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination and been given my physician’s
permission to participate, or that I have decided to participate in an activity and use of
equipment, machinery, and programs designed by Curls and Curves without the approval of my
physician and do hereby assume all responsibility for my participation and activities, and
utilization of equipment and machinery in my activities. Curls and Curves diet/training programs
are not meant to treat or manage any health condition.
Always consult with your healthcare provider prior to adjusting your current style of
eatingeating style or beginning any new diet and/or training plan. In addition, I hereby represent
and warrant that I am currently covered by an accident and health insurance policy.
The Coach will keep the Client’s information private, and will not share the Client’s information
with any third party unless compelled to by law. THE SERVICES Your purchase may include
different components, including e-books, videos, audio tracks, manuals, self-study programs,
webinars, coaching, training courses, voice messaging, and/or other products and services. You
agree not to share login information; call-in numbers, passwords, PDF’sPDFs, and protected
links with anyone unless noted by the Coach.
In the event that there ever arises a dispute between Coach and Client with respect to the
services provided pursuant to this agreement or otherwise pertaining to the relationship
between the parties, the parties agree to submit to binding arbitration before the American
Arbitration Association (Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Center for the Americas
Mediation and Arbitration Rules). Any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may
be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Such arbitration shall be conducted by a
single arbitratorA single arbitrator shall conduct such arbitration.
The sole remedy that can be awarded to the Client in the event thatif an award is granted
in arbitration is the refund of the Program Fee.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoingpreceding, no award of consequential or other
damages, unless specifically set forth herein, may be granted to the Client.
This agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Arizona. In the event
thatIf any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remaining portions of
the Agreement shall be severed and remain in full force. If the terms of this Agreement are
acceptable, please sign the acceptance below.
By doing so, the Client acknowledges that: (1) he/she has received a copy of this letter
agreement; (2) he/she has had an opportunity to discuss the contents with the Coach and, if
desired, to have it reviewed by an attorney; and (3) the client understands, accepts and agrees
to abide by the terms hereof.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 59CBFF2A-9B2D-4713-AC55-417A2F9DE12F
2Two months
Contract Length:
Contract Payment Terms: $ _
Client name _
Signature _ _ Date
Rhysa Sisco
Coach name _
Signature _ Date 5_/17/2022
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