This Website Development Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and
entered on this _ day of __ 2020 (the “effective date”), between Juan A. Pedraza,
(hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”), and Jim Foreman, (herein referred to as the
WHEREAS, the Client is hiring the Contractor to develop a Website for them as an independent
contractor on the terms hereunder.
NOW THEREOF, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made by the Parties
hereto, the Parties covenant and agree as follows:

  1. TERM.
    The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period 30 days, commencing on the Effective
    Date herein. (This project shall take 30 business days covered by this Agreement unless the
    Client shall make revisions)
  2. Scope.
    The Client shall provide the Contractor with all the necessary content such text and photos for
    the project. The project shall include a 5 page limit including the designs and the Client shall get
    1 Email set up which he will pay for with Google. Any additional pages that shall cost more such
    as the Hosting Plan range from $12 to $26 per month depending on membership level. E-mail
    plans are $15 per month for 3 emails, $175 per additional page. (NOTE: additional pages and
    subsequent charges shall be discussed and included in the total cost)
    3.1. The Client shall pay the Contractor two thousand, five hundred dollars ($2500)
    for the project. The payment shall be made as follows;
    i. One thousand, two hundred and 50 dollars ($1250) deposit to be made on the
    Effective Date herein.
    ii. Six hundred and twenty five dollars ($625) be paid two weeks after the project has
    started and the Client has made the first revisions.
    iii. Six hundred and twenty five dollars ($625) be paid as soon as the project is completed
    and the Website has been launched.
    3.2. The Client shall cover the hosting fees (using the squarespace), the domain fees
    (using GoDaddy) and any other fees that may arise from Squarespace. NOTE: No
    decisions shall be made for system upgrade without the Client’s written consent. Where
    the Squarespace shall require in building of the store shall be covered by the Client.
    3.3. The Client shall cover all stock images costs.
    The Contractor shall own all the copyrights of the project until the Client has fully paid the
    amount stated herein. Once the project is completed, the Client has fully paid the said amount

and the Website logins and passwords given to the Client, the Client shall then own all the
copyrights of the said Website.

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