From an overview of the shared WCW Policy and the email communication, the
following are my responses to your questions; –
1. The WCW Consulting Policy is silent on the number of hours a day you
should work. It merely states one day a week.
The email communication also acknowledges the limitation on one day a
week, and no other documentation has been provided to the contrary.
As it stands, per the Policy, you have a limitation of one day in a week, i.e., 24
hours, which is not your case as you would work for only 18 hours a day in a
Sighting the above, there is nothing to counter on the policy because as it is, it
is still in your favor unless they share another documentation to the contrary,
then you might be able to object to it.
2. As of right now, there is no need for a letter from the attorney regarding the
issue of the working hours.
In the event of a dispute, you will go back and review your contract of
employment to know the procedure in case of a dispute, which will be
followed in the event of a conflict.

Kindly be advised.

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