Waiver of Liability

This agreement releases Ground Up Development Baseball, LLC (hereinafter known as “GUD Baseball”) from all liability relating to injuries that may occur under the guidance of respective employees during all exercises or activity. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold GUD Baseball entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.

I also acknowledge the risks involved in athletic training for baseball development purposes. These include but are not limited to all cardiovascular activities, strength and conditioning programs, throwing protocols, and arm care routines. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.

I understand and agree that the advice and consultation given to me through GUD Baseball does not replace the opinion of a medical professional. I also agree that all pre-existing injuries or medical conditions have been clearly expressed and understood by employees of GUD Baseball and have been cleared by an athletic trainer and/or a medical professional.

I also understand that if I am under the age of 18 that my parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have thoroughly read and understood the agreements listed in the Waiver of Liability and therefore accept the terms of agreement. 

I hereby acknowledgethat I have carefully read this “Waiver of Liability” and fully understand that it is a release of liability. I expressly agree to release and discharge GUD Baseball and all of its affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns, from any and all claims or causes of action and I agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that I otherwise have to bring a legal action against GUD Baseball for personal injury. To the extent that statute or case law does not prohibit releases for ordinary negligence, this release is also for such negligence on the part of GUD Baseball, its agents, and employees. This Waiver of Liability shall remain in effect for the duration of my participation in the Activity, during this initial and subsequent event of participation.

By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against GUD Baseball for any reason. In return, I will receive a complete consultation regarding programming for overall strength and pitching development. I will also make every effort to follow safety precautions as listed in writing and explained to me

verbally. I will also ask for clarification when needed.

I, ______________________, fully understand and agree to the above terms.

Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Name (please print): _________________________ Date: ______________________________

Signature of parent or legal guardian: _______________________________________________

(if under 18 years or age)

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