Your usage of our services is subject to this agreement. Regardless of whether or not you are a
registered member or account holder, by using our website, you agree to have read, understood,
and be bound by this agreement. Do not use any portion of this website or the services if you do
not agree to this agreement. We (and related words like "our") refer to the Company in all
references, while "you" refers to the person using the services. This agreement between us is
enforceable in court. For any assistance, do get in touch with us using one of our available
contacts. We will process your request as soon as we receive it. Please note that the Company
reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time, we will notify you of such changes.
Kindly ensure to keep yourself updated on any changes since continued use of the site following
the changes will constitute acceptance of the said changes. Further note that we may make
changes to the access of the website at any time, with or without notice.
Please note that this is a platform that links Sellers and Buyer’s. As a company, we do not take
ownership or liability for any goods or services sold on the platform. In addition, we do not make
any warrant or guarantee on the sales or the users herein.

You are not permitted to share your account with anybody else for any purpose; it is exclusively
for your own use. When you make an account and agree to update your information as needed,
you certify that all of the information you submit is accurate and comprehensive. If you
knowingly provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, we
have the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use
of the Site. You agree not to enter into other people’s accounts without their permission and are
responsible for keeping your account login information secret and limiting access to it. You
understand and agree that you are solely accountable for all activity that take place on your
account. You undertake to notify us right away if you notice any security breaches, unauthorized
use of your account, or any other violations of these conditions. You agree to use this website in
accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. You agree to indemnify us if you
breach any of the rules outlined in these conditions. We reserve the right to remove any
information from the website including but not limited to unlawful or inappropriate material.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Company disclaims all representations and warranties,
express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, appropriateness, availability, or that the
information on the Site is accurate, complete, or up to date. The Company is also held harmless
from and against any claims resulting from damages sustained through the use of the website
(even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damages). Without any guarantee or
warranty, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability,
suitability for a specific purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other rights, this
site is supplied "as is," with all of its flaws. You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend us
and our officers, employees, and agents from and against any incidental, consequential, indirect,
or special damages, or for any loss of profits or business interruptions caused or alleged to have
been caused by the performance or nonperformance of the services herein. At our expense, we
may take the exclusive defense and control of any issue that would otherwise be subject to your
indemnification, you agree to assist us in declaring any available defenses.

No mode of communication on the platform, whether intended for an individual, the general
public, or a particular audience, assumes the user’s fiduciary duties or offers professional, legal,
or financial advice to users or any other person. No sales agency relationship is established
between us by virtue of our publication of your information on the site, the relationship created
between us is that of an independent contractor. Users are responsible for paying any sales, use,
and other taxes associated with their use of the website. You shall only provide information on,
or offer for sale that which have a right to and that does not infringe a third party right. You
hereby grant us a license to display and use your information in accordance with this agreement
and to exercise any rights you may have in the said information. This license is irrevocable,
perpetual, worldwide, and royalty-free. It is also sub–licensable (through multiple tiers). We
will handle disputes between users as an Arbitrator, and our decision shall be binding and final;
some of our decisions may include imposing fines or charging a user’s payment method. Failure
to perform our obligations herein due to factors beyond our control (force majeure) shall not be
held as breach of this agreement.

Users’ Obligations
By using this website, users consent to be bound by the following terms, specifically but not
limited to not to:
 Provide any illegal content, including illegal content that can negatively impact our
website’s security or hurt other users;
 Break any law, contract, intellectual property right, or other third-party rights, or use
infringement tactics like copying or modifying the website’s software, including but not
limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, or gathering user information using techniques
like clear graphics interchange formats (gifs), 1×1 pixels, web bugs, cookies, or other
tools of a similar nature (spyware, or "passive collection mechanisms" or pcms);
 Use the website for any purpose other than what is permitted by us, such as unauthorized
commercial endeavors;
 Engage in any harassment, threats, intimidation, predatory behavior, or stalking;
 Tamper with the security system set up on the website, such as by using, launching,
developing, or disseminating any automated system, such as spiders, robots, cheat
utilities, scrapers, offline readers, or unapproved scripts or software, unless doing so is
standard procedure when using search engines or web browsers;
 Interfere with the website’s functionality through the use of malware, Trojans, excessive
capitalization, and spam; and
 Abuse the available resources, for as by filing fictitious security reports.
Third Party Links
You are able to link from our website to other sites that are not under our control. We have no
control over the characteristics, information, or accessibility of those websites. The inclusion of
any links does not imply sponsorship of or agreement with the views expressed therein. All risks
associated with your use of such sites or items are strictly your responsibility.

Payments and Refunds
Payment to us must be made on time. We may implement late payment fees in addition to
exercising recovery methods. Prices on the website, unless otherwise specified, do not include
taxes, VAT, or other extra expenses. We will make deductions from your credit or debit card at
the moment of purchase before you have access to the product. We are not liable for any money
that your debit or credit card company deducts as a result of the purchase. We reserve the right to
decide whether to issue refunds.
If any section of this agreement is determined to be invalid, voidable, unlawful, or otherwise
unenforceable by any judicial or other competent body, the Company may modify that provision
or strike it from this agreement. The remainder of this agreement’s clauses shall continue to be in
full force and effect.
Prohibition on transfer
You may not transfer or assign this agreement, but we may assign or transfer the agreement or
subcontract our responsibilities under it at any time.
Contact details
Please get in touch with us at the following address if you have any information, a complaint, or
an opinion.

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