THIS AGREEMENT is made on the …………..day of………….20……., (hereinafter,
“Effective Date”) entered into by the Tutor and the Student (Tutor and Student collectively
referred to as the “Parties” or individually as the “Party”) and includes that Party’s successors
and assigns.
In consideration of covenants and agreements contained in this agreement, and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Parties agree to the
following terms and conditions and to be bound thereby:

    The Tutor shall provide private English classes online (hereinafter, “Services”) to the Student
    to the best of their ability and per industry standards. The Tutor however makes no promises
    or warranties with regards to a Student’s performance or as to any results due to the tutoring.
    The Tutor’s failure to perform the Services due to events beyond their control shall not
    constitute breach of this agreement.
    For the Services, the Student shall pay the Tutor £______________before commencement of
    the Services. This sum shall be payable by card through the Tutor’s website, and the contract
    sum shall be automatically debited from the said card. The Tutor may adjust their fees at any
    time and will provide the Student with 30 days written notice in such cases.
    The Tutor undertakes to subscribe for the Services for a period of 12-16 months with 12
    months being the shortest subscription period allowed. The Student acknowledges and agrees
    that they may terminate the this agreement after serving a 30 day written notice; however, no
    portion of the contract sum will be refunded to them for any reason. Upon its receipt and
    verification of that termination notice, the Tutor shall discontinue the Services registered by
    the Subscriber associated with their account.
     The Student agrees to attend all scheduled lessons and be pro-active in making
    suggestions about their own education.
     The Student agrees to complete any homework or classwork assignments set by the
    Tutor in a timely manner as agreed prior to the task being set.
     The Student understands that it is not within the Tutor’s remit to complete homework
    or classroom exercises on behalf of the student and that the Tutor’s role is one of
     The Student agrees to make all payments as and when they fall due
    The Student shall not transfer or assign this agreement without the Tutor’s consent. However,
    the Tutor may transfer or assign this agreement or subcontract its obligations hereunder at any
    time without the Student’s consent.
    Parties agree to settle disputes under this Agreement through (select one)
    ☐Negotiation ☐Mediation ☐Arbitration

All non-public, confidential or proprietary information of a Party (Disclosing Party), whether
disclosed orally or disclosed or accessed in written, electronic or other form or media, and
whether or not marked, designated or otherwise identified as “confidential” in connection
with this Contract is confidential, solely for the use of performing this Contract and may not
be disclosed or copied unless authorized in advance by the Disclosing Party in writing. Upon
the Disclosing Party’s request, the other Party (Recipient Party) shall promptly return all
documents and other confidential materials received from Disclosing Party. Disclosing Party
shall be entitled to injunctive relief for any violation of this Section. This Section does not
apply to information that is: (a) in the public domain; (b) known to Recipient Party at the time
of disclosure, or (c) rightfully obtained by Recipient Party on a non-confidential basis from a
third party.

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