Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

In October 2015, the Ministers of various Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) nations signed the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. Such nations included Canada, Brunei Darussalam, Chile Canada, Japan, Mexico, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Vietnam, and America. The result of the Agreement is an ambitious, high-standard, balanced, and solid agreement that promotes economic growth. The agreement has also supported the retention and creation of jobs, enhanced creativity, fostered competition and productivity, raised living standards, decreased poverty, promoted transparent, and enhanced the protection of the environment.

The conclusion of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement is envisioned with a novel high standard of investment and trade in the Asia Pacific. This will be a significant step towards the final goal of regional and open trade and regional coherence across the entire region.

The main features of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement

There exist several defining aspects of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. First, it is considered a novel standard of the global trade since it will form the basis of the generational issues. Such features include:

  1. Comprehensive market access

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement reduces or eliminates both tariff and non-tariff barriers. This applies across all trade in services and goods. It also covers the entire trade spectrum including services and goods. Such has led to the creation of benefits and opportunities for the workers, consumers, and businesses.

  1. Regional approach to commitments

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement promotes the advancement of supply chains and production. It also enhances seamless trade, enhances efficient, and supports the goal of supporting and creating jobs. Further, the Agreement enhances the conservation attempts, facilitates cross-border coherence, and opens up the domestic markets.

  • Addressing novel trade difficulties

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement also promotes productivity, innovation, and competitiveness through addressing novel issues. Such include the advancement of the digital economy and functions of the state-owned enterprises in the global economy.

  1. Inclusive trade

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement also entails novel elements that have the aim of ensuring that the economies at every level of advancement. It has also promoted the development of all business and benefits of trade. Further, the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement includes commitments that aid medium and small-sized businesses comprehend the Agreement. Further the Agreement has aided numerous nations take advantage of the opportunities and bring the unique challenges to the attention of the governments involved. It also involved certain commitments regarding the advancement and capacity of trade. Such ensures that every party is able to meet the relevant commitments in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and maximize the benefits.

  1. Platform for regional integration

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement is a platform for the regional economic integration. It has also been designed to include the additional economies across the Pacific-Asian region.

Scope of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement

  • The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement comprises 30 chapters that deal with trade and issues related with trade. Such includes trade in goods and the facilitation of trade and customs. Others include phytosanitary and sanitary measures, trade technical restrictions, and investments. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement also includes services, government procurement, electronic commerce, labor, intellectual, horizontal, and environment. Such chapters are meant to make sure that the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement meets its potential for advancement, inclusiveness, competitiveness, settlement of disputes, institutional, and exceptional provisions.
  • Other than updating the traditional modes of issues dealt with by initial trade agreements, the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement includes novel and emerging trade concerns and issues. Such include issues that are related to the digital and internet economy. They also include participation of government entities in global investment and trade, ability of small entities to utilize trade agreements among other aspects.
  • Additionally, the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement also unites several diverse nations based on language, geography, size, history, and development levels. All the Trade Pacific Partnership nations appreciate that the diversity is a special asset and requires cooperation, capacity-building for the lease developed nation. Further, is some instances special transitional mechanisms and moments providing nations with extra time. Such enables them to enhance their capacity to establish novel obligations.

Setting regional trade rules

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement comprises several chapters. Also, the annexes and schedules are annexed to the chapters of the Agreement. They are also related to the trade of services and goods, government procurement, investment, and temporary business entry persons. Additionally, the chapter comprising enterprises that are owned by the state have exceptions in the annexes.

Below is a summary of the chapters contained in the:

  1. Initial provisions and general definitions

The majority of the nations that signed the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement have agreements with each other. Moreover, the initial provisions and general meanings of the chapters appreciate that the Agreement could coexists with other global trade agreements. Such include WTO Agreements, regional and bilateral agreements. It also stipulates the meanings of terms that are used in various chapters of the Agreement.

  1. Trade in Goods

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement parties have agreed to reduce and eliminate the non-tariff and tariff barriers imposed on industrial goods. They have also agreed to reduce and eliminate tariffs and other restrictive policies on agricultural goods. Further, the preferential access is provided through the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. Such will foster the trade between the TPP nations in the market. The majority of the tariff elimination among the industrial goods shall be implemented though the tariffs on some products shall be eliminated over longer periods.

For the agricultural products, the parties decided to eliminate and reduce the tariffs and other restrictive aspects. Such will increase the agricultural trade in regions and enhance food security. Additionally, the TPP nations agree promotion of policy reforms, such as elimination of agricultural export subsidies, working together in the WTO. Such will aid in developing disciplines on the export states trading enterprises, credit exports, and limitation of timeframes permitted for the restriction on food exports. This provides food security in the region. Further, the TPP parties have agreed to increase cooperation and transparency on certain activities that are related to agricultural biotechnology.

  1. Apparel and textiles

The TPP parties agree to the elimination of tariffs on apparel and textiles that are significant contributors to the economic growth of the TPP parties’ markets. Further, the majority of the tariffs will be eliminated immediately. Though tariffs on some sensitive products shall be eliminated over long periods as agreed by the TPP parties. The chapter of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement also includes specific origin rules that require the use of fabrics and yarns from the TPP region. Such will promote the regional supply chains and investments with a shorter supply list mechanism. It allows the use of fabrics and yarns that are not available in the region.

Additionally, the chapter comprises the commitments made on custom cooperation and the enforcement of duty evasion. Others include fraud and smuggling and textile-specific special safeguards to respond to the serious damages or threats of serious damage. Such damage is done on the domestic industry in the event of sudden surges of imports.

  1. Rules of origin

It is significant to ensure that the simple rules of origin, promotion of regional supply chains, and ensure that the TPP nations as opposed to non-participants. Further several parties have agreed on several set of rules of origin that define whether certain goods are originating hence eligible to receive tariff benefits. Further, the product-specific origin rules are attached to the Agreement’s text. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement also provides for aspects regarding accumulation. Therefore, generally, inputs from the TPP parties are treated in a similar manner to materials from TPP parties. This is especially if used to produce products in the TPP parties.

The TPP parties have also established a set of rules that ensure entities easily operate across the entire region. This is through the creation of common TPP-wide systems of demonstrating and verifying that the goods made meet the rules of origin. Also, the importers shall have the ability to claim preferential tariff incentives. This is conditional on the presentation of documentation to back up their claims. Additionally, the chapter offers the competent authorities with procedures that verify their claims.

  1. Final Provisions

The final provisions chapter of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement defines the manner in which the TPP is implemented. It also provides the amendment of the Agreement, rules that establish the process of other nations or separate custom territories to join the TPP in the future, means of withdrawal, and authentic languages. It also designates a depository for the agreement that is in charge of receipt and dissemination of documents.

Further, the chapter ensures that the TPP can be amended. Such is with the agreement of all parties and after all complete the applicable procedures and notifies the depositories in writing. It also makes specification that the TPP can be accessed by every Asia-Pacific member and other territories.


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