- Your thoughts on how to respond are right. Since the defendant failed to respond, a default judgement should be granted.
- Make sure that all relevant documents are attached to your submission.
I.e. The Lease agreement
The letter
Any other document that can establish section 3 herein.
- In terms of compensation, you had already quoted the compensation amount, ($14500) I’m I right? If so, then that is the amount the court may authorize you to be given. However, break the amount down into different items.
For instance: (This is section 3 herein)
- For the harassment (State all acts of harassment your mother went through including taking of unauthorized photos)- State amount.
- For the discrimination (State all acts that amount to discrimination including termination of the lease. If your mother signed a lease agreement, kindly attach the lease agreement if possible. Look at the grounds for termination too. It will give pointers.)- State amount.
- For Breach of lease agreement (Especially terminating the agreement without an actual cause but rather a discriminative cause.) – State amount.
- For emotional distress – State amount.
- You may also request the court for punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to set an example to deter others from committing similar acts to other victims.
- Attorney fees if any – state that the defendant should be responsible for that.
- = TOTAL AMOUNT- (Add all the above)
- Kindly attach any and all evidence that can establish the above. If you can incorporate caselaw kindly do so. It will help strengthen your case. Know the provisions on discrimination and harassment.
Incase of any other question kindly ask.
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