These Terms of Service govern the provision of all consultancy services from or on behalf of the Consultant to the Client and apply to all legal relationships between the Consultant and the Client.

These terms supersede any and all prior oral and written communications, agreements and understandings of the parties and failure of the Client to object to terms and conditions shall be construed as an acceptance of the terms herein. By contracting the services of the Consultant, the Client agrees to comply with the following terms and be bound by them.

    1. The Client agrees to schedule his/her meeting promptly whilst stating the details of the discussion clearly. The Consultant agrees to employ reasonable skill, care and diligence in providing consultation services to the Client.
    1. In case of any change of circumstances under which the Consultancy is to be performed which cannot be attributed to Consultant, the Consultant may make any such amendments to the Engagement as it deems necessary to adhere to the agreed quality standard and specifications. Any costs arising from or related to this change of circumstances will be fully borne by the Client.
    1. The Client agrees to make duly available any information and documents that the Consultant deems necessary to be able to carry out the Consultancy correctly. Also, the Client shall provide all cooperation required for the proper and timely performance of the Engagement.
    1. The Client shall duly inform the Consultant of any facts and circumstances that may be relevant in connection with the execution of the Engagement.
    1. The Client shall guarantee the correctness, completeness, and reliability of any information provided to the Consultant.
    1. The Client agrees to pay the Consultant fees at the rate required by the Consultant.  The payment will be made promptly before the Consultancy session. All payments will be made via Paypal.
    1. Any late payment or failure to pay fees will result to cancellation of the Engagement Session.
    1. The Consultant shall keep secret and confidential any Confidential Information obtained by him during the Engagement. However, Confidentiality shall not apply to information which (i) is or becomes part of the public domain without fault of the Consultant; (ii) was already known by the Consultant, other than under an obligation of confidentiality, at the time of disclosure by the Client; (iii) is lawfully acquired by the Consultant from a third party on a non-confidential basis; or (iv) the Consultant is required to disclose pursuant to any law, lawful government, quasi-governmental or judicial order.
    1. Except without prior permission of the Client, the Consultant shall not publish or otherwise make available the content of his communications with the Client.

The Consultant is an independent contractor. He shall not have any power, right or authority to enter into any agreement or bind the Client. Additionally, he is not entitled to employment benefits from the Client.


The Consultant shall not be liable if the results generated by him are not absolutely correct. The Consultant shall not be responsible for any loss, destruction or damage of whatsoever nature (including injury or death) incurred by the Client, its employees or third parties resulting from the Engagement of with the Consultant.


The Consultant shall carry out his obligations in a manner that conforms to the relevant legal requirements.


All disputes which cannot be settled amicably shall be referred to the applicable court in _______________________, and the parties consent to the jurisdiction of the courts there.

The Terms of Service are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of __________________.


Neither Party shall be liable in any way for any damage, loss, cost or expense arising out of or in connection with a Force Majeure event. Upon the occurrence of any Force Majeure event, the Party thereby suffering shall promptly inform the other Party by written notice thereof specifying the cause of the Force Majeure event and how it will affect performance.

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