For clarity, all references to “us” (and similar words such as “we” and “our”) mean the Company, and all references to “you” mean the individual subscribing to our Services. Please ensure that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them before proceeding to use our services. Do not use any element of this website or service if you do not agree to these Terms and conditions.

Failure to use this website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions may attract legal action.

Save as may otherwise be provided in this agreement, these terms and conditions are the only terms on which we are prepared to deal with you. In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa.


These Terms and Conditions dictate our relationship with you. Please read them and ensure that you have understood them. By proceeding to access the website, whether or not you have registered with us, you agree to be bound by them.


Accessing our website means that you have accepted our Terms and Conditions.


You agree to use this website according to all applicable laws, legislation, rules, and regulations. If you breach any of these conditions, you undertake to hold us harmless for any damages incurred as a result of the breach. All users must have attained 18 years.  


  • We value your privacy and take various steps to ensure it is safe; however, please note that we cannot guarantee the complete safety of your data.
  • We will collect, use, disclose and dispose of your data per our Privacy Policy.
  • By proceeding, you agree to the collection, use, disclosure, and disposal of your data in accordance with these terms and our Privacy Policy.


You must create an account with us to utilize our services which will be solely for your use. You agree to; provide us with accurate and complete information when creating the account, update your information as required, be solely responsible for the safety of your login details and any their use and promptly inform us of any security breaches on your account to enable us to act on them


  • You agree to use the website responsibly and shall be liable for any damage caused by your acts or omissions in the use of the website.
  • You are solely responsible for your use of the website. You acknowledge and accept that these services are offered “as is.” We are not liable for any losses incurred as a result of the website’s use. However, if we are found liable to you in any way, our total liability will not exceed the amount you have paid under this agreement.
  • The Company may remove any content that violates the law, rules, regulations, and these Terms and Conditions.


During the term of this agreement, any ideas, concepts, discoveries, techniques, patents, copyrights, or trademarks belonging to the Company will be the sole property of the Company. The user is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license.


We are not affiliated with any of the sites on our website, e.g., third-party ads and endorsements. We offer a platform for users to access a list of different popular redzone sites. The Company is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of relying on these third-party links.


  • Once you delete your account with us, the agreement between us is terminated except for any provisions intended to survive the termination.
  • We may terminate the services at any time and with no notice subject to you using the website contrary to these terms and conditions or applicable law, rules, regulations, or principles. We will also not be liable for any damages resulting from a breach of these terms and conditions.
  • Termination shall not discharge you of any liabilities accrued during the subsistence of the agreement.


You cannot transfer or assign this agreement without the Company’s consent. However, the Company can transfer or assign this agreement at any time without your consent. If the Company does so, anyone to whom the Company transfers or assigns any or all of its obligations will have all of the Company’s rights with respect to such obligations.


We may amend these terms at our discretion and serve you with the relevant notice. It is, therefore, your duty to keep yourself updated on any amendments as they will bind you by continued use of the website.


You may contact us through the following address for any comments or complaints. We endeavor to respond promptly;






We may amend or remove any provision of these terms invalidated by the Court or any legal organ having jurisdiction. The rest of the terms shall remain valid.


The construction, validity, and performance of this agreement shall be governed in all respects by Laws of the State of ________________________.

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