Please read these terms and conditions (“Agreement") carefully as it constitutes a
binding contract between "US," "WE," and "YOU."
You hereby CONSENT to the exchange of information between US and YOU.
1. Services.
The service being provided IS Helping Men Live Their Best Family Lives.
The Customer may make certain services selections that they wish to procure through
the Application or the Account.
We will provide the Services to YOU for the period of this Agreement, subject to the
necessary payments of applicable Fees and compliance with the terms of this
As part of the Services, WE hereby grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-
assignable right to use the Services, as per the terms of this Agreement.
YOU acknowledge that the Services are cloud-based and hosted services. No copies of
the Services or OUR System will be delivered to YOU, the App, subject to the End User
License Agreement ("EULA").
The Services shall be used by YOU solely for YOUR purposes, and WE do not convey
any right, ownership, or interest in the Services or OUR System to YOU. YOUR have
the right to use the Services will terminate upon the termination of this Agreement or
2. Term.
The period of this Agreement ("Term") shall begin as of when YOU accept this
Agreement, complete the Application, or obtain an Account and shall continue until
terminated according to the terms hereof.
3. Payments.
Access to the Services may require YOU to pay Fees, as may be further described
at https://……………………. or otherwise on the Site, the App, or in the Account. All Fees
are in US dollars and are non-refundable unless otherwise provided herein. WE reserve
the right to amend the Fees by posting new Fees on the Site, in the App, or the

Account; such changes shall take effect within thirty (30) days unless accepted by YOU
earlier or if YOU do not close YOUR Account within such delay.
4. Ownership and Copyright.
You acknowledge that all information, content, data, product names, company names,
trademarks, logos, and trade names contained on this website (collectively the
"Content"), including how the Content is exhibited and all other information relating
thereto, are the property of the individual owners as indicated.
5. Confidential Information.
Each party acknowledges that they may directly or indirectly disclose Confidential
Information to the other party in the negotiation of and performance of this Agreement.
All such Confidential Information disclosed hereunder shall remain the property of the
disclosing party (or other third parties), and the receiving party shall have no interest in
or rights with respect thereto, except as set forth herein.
Each party agrees to treat such Confidential Information with the same degree of care
and security as it treats its most confidential information. Each party may disclose
confidential information to employees and agents who require such knowledge to
perform services under this Agreement.
Except as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement, neither party shall disclose the
Confidential Information of the other party to any third party without the prior written
consent of the disclosing party, and the duty of confidentiality created by this section
shall survive any termination of the Agreement. YOUR Data shall, without limitation, be
Customer Confidential Information.
6. Termination.
Either party may terminate the terms of this Agreement at any time for any reason or
convenience. YOU may terminate by closing YOUR Account or other means as the
Services may provide. WE may terminate this Agreement by notice to YOU through the
Account, by email to the provided contact information in the Application, or by other
electronic notice to other contact information provided by YOU to US.
7. Limitation on Liability.

This website may contain links to other websites. WE do not assume responsibility for
the accuracy or appropriateness of the information, data, opinions, advice, or
statements contained at such sites,
8. Indemnity.
You agree at all times to indemnify and hold US harmless, OUR agents, suppliers,
licensors, affiliates, and employees against any actions, proceedings, costs, claims,
damages, liabilities, and expenses whatsoever sustained, incurred, or paid by US
directly or indirectly.
9. Governing Law.
The terms and conditions herein will be governed by the State of ……………. laws.
10. Dispute Resolution.
All disputes arising out of the performance of this Agreement will be submitted to
binding arbitration in …………………….. XXX, under the Commercial Arbitration Rules
of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") and the procedures set forth below.
All disputes that cannot be resolved according to the identified internal issue resolution
process will be submitted and settled by final and binding arbitration. The arbitration will
take place in ………………………., XXX, and will apply the governing law. The last and
binding arbitration will be performed by a single arbitrator who is a practicing
commercial lawyer in English and according to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the
AAA then in effect. The arbitrator’s decision will be final and binding. The arbitrator will
be bound by the Agreement’s provisions. Notwithstanding the previous, either party may
seek injunctive relief in a court of competent jurisdiction, where appropriate, to protect
its rights pending the outcome of the arbitration.
11. Severability.

Any provision herein found by a Court/tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or
unenforceable shall automatically conform to the minimum requirements of law. All
other provisions’ validity, legality, and enforceability shall remain in full force and effect.
12. Waiver.
The failure of a party to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy provided in this
Agreement in one instance shall not preclude the enforcement thereof on any future
13. Entire Agreement.
This Agreement, and any amendments, and any other legal notices and policies on this
website constitute the entire Agreement between You and US concerning the use of this
website and the Content.
14. Amendments.
WE retain the right to amend this Agreement at any time upon notice by posting
revisions to this Agreement on the Site. Continued use of the Services after YOU
become aware of any such changes will constitute YOUR consent to the changes. YOU
are responsible for regularly checking for the most current version of this Agreement
available on OUR website.

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