Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions apply specifically to the FIRST Conference (‘EVENT’). ‘EVENT VENUE’ refers to the location where the EVENT is held. Sponsorships are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, Inc. (‘FIRST’) reserves the right to reject any prospective sponsor company (‘SPONSOR’) that it deems inappropriate. SPONSOR includes any person, firm, company, corporation, institution, association, or committee to whom the sponsorship is allocated. Terms and Conditions are subject to change without any prior notice.

  1. All sponsorships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. SPONSORS need to be committed to computer security improvement, concerned about the security infrastructure of the Internet and associated communications elements, and be supportive of FIRST’s mission to participate in this conference as a SPONSOR. FIRST retains the right to reject any sponsor that it deems inappropriate without giving any reason.
  2. After written acceptance by FIRST, the SPONSOR must provide a logo image (in. AI or. EPS, the format required by FIRST) and other details required (such as correct use of the sponsor’s name, trademarks, etc.) to FIRST within 30 days of receipt of acceptance.
  3. Sponsorship agreements cannot be processed without payment. Funds must be payable in US dollars. All cheques should be made payable to FIRST. SPONSOR shall be responsible for any taxes on the sponsorship fee and any costs from a bounced or rejected cheque.
  4. The sponsor may cancel the sponsorship by written notification to FIRST up to 60-days prior to the EVENT start date. Sponsorship cannot be canceled after that date because FIRST incurs the cost of printing and other

sponsorship recognition and loss of sponsorship. Suppose notification of cancellation is received within 60-days of the EVENT start. In that case, FIRST will attempt to revise sponsor recognition items as feasible, and FIRST shall be entitled to retain 100% of the sponsorship fee as damages.

  • Should any unforeseen event that is beyond the control of FIRST render the fulfillment of this agreement by FIRST impossible or impractical, FIRST may return a portion of the amount paid for the sponsorship after deduction of any amounts necessary to cover expenses incurred in connection with work performed on the production of the EVENT prior to the occurrence of the unforeseen event. Such expenses shall include but not be limited to expenses incurred by FIRST due to contracts with third parties for services or products connected with the EVENT, including out-of-pocket expenses and overhead expenses attributable to the EVENT’s production. No funds will be returned should the dates or location of the show be changed by FIRST, but the sponsorship benefits will be applied to the EVENT held at the changed location and/or changed date. FIRST shall not be financially liable if the show is interrupted, canceled, moved, or dates changed except as provided herein.
  • The sponsorship fee does not include free EVENT registration unless expressly stated in the sponsorship opportunity details.
  • Provision of FIRST conference sponsorship does not entitle the SPONSOR to a waiver of any applicable annual FIRST membership fee.
  • Accommodation costs are not included in the conference registration fee or sponsorship fee. Attendees are responsible for making their lodging arrangements.
  • All sponsorship materials must be submitted 45-days prior to the EVENT start date to ensure inclusion in the production schedule. Sponsorship requests after this date may still be accepted with caveats.
  • SPONSORS may not sublet, assign, or apportion any part of the item(s) sponsored nor represent, advertise, or distribute literature or materials for the products or services of any other firm or organization except as approved in writing by FIRST.
  • FIRST will not be liable for damage or loss to a SPONSOR’S properties through fire, theft, accident, or any other cause, whether the result of negligence or otherwise.
  • No part of an exhibit and no signs or other materials may be pasted, nailed, or otherwise affixed to walls, doors, or other surfaces in a way that mars or defaces the EVENT VENUE premises or equipment and furnishings. Damage from failure to observe this notice is payable by the SPONSOR.
  • Sponsorship is not limited to financial support per se but can also provide material hardware/software, etc. Should your company be interested in a sponsorship package not listed in this brochure, please feel free to contact us to discuss your preferences
  • FIRST reserves the right to select and finalize the design of each branded conference item.

SPONSORS may request to sponsor single or multiple items/ events.

  1. For sponsorship opportunities that include signage, please note – signage space may be limited. The FIRST organizers will inform each SPONSOR of the maximum size, number of signs, etc.

In order to limit costs, FIRST may limit the number of colors used for the printing of SPONSOR logos.

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