Official letterhead here


Your ref: 201322685G                              Our ref:….                           Date: 16th January 2019

SkillsFuture Singapore                                                                    WITHOUT PREJUDICE

No 1 Marina Boulevard #18-01

Singapore 01898                                                                  “Advance copy via email”


Attn: Mr.Darren Hoon                                                                  


Dear Sir,



We refer to your show cause letters dated 28th August 2018 and 26th October 2018 as well as our written representation dated 18th September 2018, all on the above subject matter.

In further response to the show cause letters, we wish to state the following:

  1. Although it is admitted that Mr. Lau Yow Guan had been offering company secretarial services to other entities domiciled in Singapore, we do not believe that the said activities constitute breach of the Agreement. We further state that our failure to disclose Mr. Lau’s activities was not ill intended neither did we imagine that we would end up withholding any material information from the SSG.
  2. We respectfully state that if we committed any breach, the same was not intentional or in bad faith.
  3. While recognizing your unfettered power terminate the contract between yourselves and CMA, we beseech you to consider the colossal investment made by CMA towards meeting its obligations in question and kindly reverse your decision to terminate the contract.
  4. We further urge you to reconsider and make a finding that there exist sufficient reasons to warrant a review of the decision terminate the contract.
  5. As we have previously stated, CMA has always been happy and willing to correct and or review its existing policies and structures with a view to obviating any risk of breaching the terms and conditions. As such, if the SSG reinstates the contract, we shall ensure that we fully comply with the letter and spirit thereof.

Based on the circumstances outlined above and in our previous letters, we wish to let the SSG know that we acted in good faith at all times and that we are ready and willing to take direction from the SSG on matters of concern and act on them accordingly.

We hope that we have exhaustively responded to all issues raised and satisfactorily shown cause why the Contract should not be terminated. We hope you will be pleased to reinstate the Contract.

Yours faithfully,



(For and on behalf of Charles Mann Training and Consulting Pte Ltd)

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