This Tenancy Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by the undersigned Parties for the property known as ______________ (hereinafter “Property”)


Landlord: _____________________, Address ______________________

Tenant: Muhammad Ahmod, Address _______________________

IN CONSIDERATION OF the Landlord letting property to the Tenant, the Tenant renting the said property from the Landlord and the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Parties to this Agreement agree as follows:

  • TERM. 
      1. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period Four Years [23-04-2019 to 23-04-2023], commencing on the Effective Date herein. 
      2. Should the Tenant remain in possession of the property with the consent of the Landlord after the natural expiration of this Agreement, a new tenancy from month to month will be created between the Landlord and the Tenant which will be subject to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement but will be terminable upon either party giving one month’s notice to the other party.
      3. If the Tenant continues to occupy the property without the written consent of the Landlord after the expiration or other termination of the Term, then, without any further written agreement, the Tenant will be a month-to month tenant at a minimum monthly rental equal to twice the Rent and subject always to all of the other provisions of this Agreement insofar as the same are applicable to a month-to-month tenancy and a tenancy from year to year will not be created by implication of law.
      1. The Tenant shall pay Eight Hundred Euros (800) monthly for the property covered under this Agreement, One Thousand Euros (1,000), deposit if there are any damages.
      2. No acceptance by the Landlord of any amount less than the full amount owed will be taken to operate as a waiver by the Landlord for the full amount or in any way to defeat or affect the rights and remedies of the Landlord to pursue the full amount.
      1. The Tenant will promptly notify the Landlord of any damage, or of any situation that may significantly interfere with the normal use of the property. 
      2. Vehicles which the Landlord reasonably considers unsightly, noisy, dangerous, improperly insured, inoperable or unlicensed are not permitted in the Tenant’s parking, and such vehicles may be towed away at the Tenant’s expense. Parking facilities are provided at the Tenant’s own risk. The Tenant is required to park in only the space directly in front of their rental unit. 
      3. The Tenant will not make (or allow to be made) any noise or nuisance which, in the reasonable opinion of the Landlord, disturbs the comfort or convenience of other tenants. 
      4. The Tenant will not engage in any illegal trade or activity on or about the property. 
      5. The Landlord and Tenant will comply with standards of health, sanitation, fire, housing and safety as required by law.
      6. The Landlord covenants that on paying the Rent and performing the covenants contained in this Agreement, the Tenant will peacefully and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the property for the agreed term.
    1. Tenant acknowledges that it inspected the property, including the grounds and all buildings and improvements, and that they are, at the time of the execution of this Agreement, in good order, good repair, safe, clean, and tenantable condition.
    2. The Tenant will obtain written permission from the Landlord before doing any of the following: 
  1. Painting, wallpapering, redecorating or in any way significantly altering the appearance of the Premise:
  2. Removing or adding walls or performing any structural alterations.
  3. Changing the amount of heat or power normally used on the property as well as installing additional electrical wiring or heating units.
  4. Subject to this Agreement, placing or exposing or allowing to be placed or exposed anywhere inside or outside the property any placard, notice or sign for advertising or any other purpose.
  5. Affixing to or erecting upon or near the property any radio or TV antenna or tower, or satellite dish; or
  6. Installing or affixing upon or near the Premises any plant, equipment, machinery, or apparatus without the Landlord’s prior written consent.
  1. The Tenant will not assign this Agreement or sublet or grant any concession or license to use the property or any part of the property. An assignment, subletting, concession, or license, whether by operation of law or otherwise, will be void and will, at Landlord’s option, terminate this Lease.

The Tenant is hereby advised and understands that the personal property of the Tenant is not insured by the Landlord for either damage or loss, and the Landlord assumes no liability for any such loss. The Tenant is advised that, if insurance coverage is desired by the Tenant, the Tenant should inquire of Tenant’s insurance agent regarding a Tenant’s policy of insurance.

    1. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, between the parties related to the subject matter hereof.  No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties hereto.
    2. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall be in United Kingdom.
    3. Each party represents and warrants to the other that such party has acted in good faith, and agrees to continue to so act, in the negotiation, execution, delivery, performance, and any termination of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties to this Agreement have duly affixed their signatures under hand and seal, or by a duly authorized officer under seal, on this _____ Day of ______ 2021.

LANDLORD: _____________            ________________________                 ___________

                        (SIGNATURE)                  (NAME)                                                (DATE)

TENANT: _____________                  ________________________               ___________

                        (SIGNATURE)                  (NAME)                                                (DATE)

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