This Supplier Agreement (hereafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on
____________between _________________ (hereafter referred to as the "Company")
and ____________________ (hereafter referred to as the "Supplier").
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the above parties wish to enter into this Agreement and be
legally bound by the following terms and conditions; –
1. Purpose.
Parties agree that the Company is a seller on Amazon and the Supplier shall bring
and/or supply the products for the Company.
2. Term.
This agreement shall be for a period of ____________.
3. Delivery.
Parties herein agree that the product will be shipped at the supplier’s expense. The
supplier herein further agrees to respect the manufacturing deadlines which are 20-25
The supplier agrees to send photos and videos for each new model to the Company.
4. Compensation.
The Company herein agrees to pay 40% of the order and the balance of 60% shall be
paid once the product is finalized.
5. Defective.
Parties herein agree that in the event any of the goods are defective, the delivery and
the replacement of the products shall be the responsibility of the supplier.
6. Confidentiality.
The terms, provisions and the company’s brand shall be kept confidential including
any business belonging to the Company. The same shall not be disclosed to any third
parties without the prior written consent of the Company. If the supplier breaches the
terms herein, they shall be responsible for paying a penalty to be assessed by the
7. Waiver.
Suppose either party fails to enforce any provision contained within this Agreement. In
that case, it shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party’s right to

enforce subsequent breaches and compel strict compliance with every provision of this
8. Termination.
Either party can terminate this Agreement by issuing thirty days’ written notice and
clearly stating the reasons for termination.
9. Assignment.
Any interests about the Agent under the Agreement are not subject to any claims of
their creditors and may not be voluntarily or involuntarily assigned, alienated, or
10. Force Majeure.
The supplier shall not be responsible for damages for delays caused by causes
beyond his control like a flood, war, or Acts of God. The supplier shall notify the
Company as soon as possible when the incident occurs.
11. Dispute Resolution Mechanism.
Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the
interpretation, breach, or validity thereof shall primarily be resolved through negotiation
between the parties.
12. Entire Agreement.
This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of both the Agent and the Company.
There are no other contracts or negotiations, oral or written, outside of what is
contained herein in this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or
oral agreements between both parties.
13. Severability.
Should any provision in this Agreement be deemed invalid or unenforceable, in part or
whole, such invalidity or unenforceability will attach only to the particular provision or
part of this Agreement while the remaining aspects of said provision and all other
provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
14. Governing Law.
The Agreement’s provisions shall be interpreted in accordance with the current laws of
the State of ________________.
15. Modification.

Any modification or amendment to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by
both parties to be valid and enforceable.
Signed by the Company; –

Signed by the Supplier; –

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