My name is __________________; I sat for the Professional Practice Experience 1 practical, Bachelor in Nursing and my results were not satisfactory hence I would like to apply for a review of grade as per section 3 9(b) of the Review of Grade Policy. Section 3 (9) (b) states that: A student may apply for a final grade review where: the assessment requirements as specified in the unit outline/learning guide were varied unreasonably. 

For a student to pass the practice skills competency exam, they must demonstrate: satisfactory standard in performing vital sign observation as per marking criteria, identify the physiological underpinnings of vital signs (including normal ranges of each vital sign) to determine the clinical significance of vital readings to patient care, demonstrate clinical reasoning by providing a rationale for nursing as they relate to vital signs and plans accordingly, demonstrate the ability to document vital signs correctly and accurately on the Standard Adult General Observation (SAGO) chart, correctly and accurately document nursing interventions and assessment findings in progress note that meets standard legal requirements, demonstrate effective oral communication skills during the practical exam, scoring above 1 in all communication components. 

I answered all questions and demonstrated the above criteria satisfactorily. I demonstrated exceptional communication skills by speaking fluently with little repetition, self-correction, and hesitation to express complex concepts; and used coherent well-coherent language. Further, I exuded a mastery of an excellent range of vocabulary and expressions with the flexibility to explain words beyond a single meaning and correctly rephrasing sentences. Additionally, I identified all allergies/ sensitivities or adverse reactions and documented them; I wrote appropriate nursing interventions, gained consent from the patient to take measurements, and examined them. Examined within the stipulated time. However, I forgot to put my initials, date, and time in my Standard Adult General Observation (SAGO) chart for pain determination which led to unsatisfactory results. The failure to enter the initials, date, and time in my SAGO chart was an unintentional and a minor mistake and can be pardoned. 

Secondly, my pulse rate reading and that of my assessor varied. While mine was 69, that of my assessor was 74. According to the Standard Adult General Observation (SAGO) Chart, a difference of 5 is within the acceptable range with the same blood pressure reading. Besides, during my performance, the assessor did not react while I was taking the vital signs. Also, while assessing the vital signs, a student can try at least twice for the vital signs. Therefore, the entry of unsatisfactory results was unreasonable. 

I kindly implore you to review my grade because the mistakes made were minor to warrant an unsatisfactory result. Besides, I exuded excellent communication skills; I did well in my Maths test and completed my attendance. Reviewing my grade will be of great value because I put my best foot forward on the test, and I wanted to do well. 

Yours sincerely, 


(Enter Name) 

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