This Sponsorship Agreement covers the Sponsorship of San Juan Soccer Club (the “Club”) for term commencing on ________________________ to __________________ by Carlile Realty & Lending Company (“the Sponsor”).


The Sponsor will sponsor the soccer club for two years by giving $ 12,000.00 monthly during the first year and $ 24,000.00 monthly during the second year plus any applicable VAT in return for promotional and commercial opportunities.


In consideration of the monies provided by the sponsor, the sponsor will be entitled to the following: 

  1. The Sponsor’s logo will appear as the prominent Sponsor on the soccer club’s three-game uniforms. The Sponsor will supply the Sponsor’s logo.
  2. The Sponsor will be entitled to naming rights of one of the Club’s hosted tournaments.
  3. The Sponsor will be provided with signage at the facility in major visible areas, i.e., fence line, entrance, and exit.
  1. The Club’s Committee shall ensure the Sponsorship is recorded, in a form acceptable to the Sponsor, in all publications and publicity relating to the Sponsorship during the term. The Club’s Committee shall not publicize, or permit anyone else to advertise, the Sponsorship, other than in a form to which the Sponsor has given its prior written approval.
  2. The Sponsor shall have the right to advertise and promote the Sponsorship in a choice of mediums including, but not limited to: press, television, and radio. In the case of media postings, the logo of the Sponsor will be incorporated. However, the Club shall have creative input in all pieces of marketing collateral involved in the partnership (joint advertising collateral, promotional pieces, and any other methods of content or branding used to attract new and existing customers). 
  3. The Sponsor will be entitled to an introduction video announcement and interview with the lending member team about the lending company and soccer club joining in partnership.
  4. The Sponsor will provide an annual education opportunity to the Soccer Club members and their families on the Real Estate market and what the lending company can do to help them. The Club will also provide quarterly communication to its members about the Sponsor and the benefits of their services. 

The Sponsor shall be the exclusive real estate company sponsoring the Club. The Club agrees that it will approach the Sponsor first concerning any renewal on any subsequent Club sponsorship.


The Club reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if the Lending Company engages in conduct that contravenes the Club’s values, i.e., injustice, discrimination, racism, etc. 


The Club shall cease to be a Contracting Party upon the happening of any of the following: 


Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection to this contract, or breach, termination or invalidity thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules. 


This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the Sponsor Company and the Soccer Club.


This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of _____________________. Any disputes arising from the terms of this Agreement shall be resolved in ____________ courts. 


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