This Settlement Agreement is entered into as of [insert date] by and between:
A. XXX  ENTERPRISE, whose address for the purposes of this
agreement shall be P.O. BOX XXX (hereinafter referred to as “Creative Digital”)
B. [INSERT NAME OF THE CLIENT], whose address for the purposes of this
agreement shall be [INSERT ADDRESS] (hereinafter referred to as “Client”)
Creative Digital and Client are hereby individually referred to as “Party” and collectively
WHEREAS, Creative Digital offered photography to the Client on her wedding day on the
[insert date]
WHEREAS, Client paid Creative Digital for a choice of 60 images.
WHEREAS, a dispute arose with regards to the original contract.
Creative Digital and Client hereby agree to settle their dispute arising out of a certain service
contract between the parties in relation to the services Creative Digital offered to the Client
on her wedding day under the following terms and conditions:
1. The parties agree that Client shall:
i. Choose between the original contract and get her 60 images mailed to her
house; or
ii. Get 200 images that Creative Digital selected which contains her images but
Client only has to download them and the rest of her content will be

2. That the Client agrees to option [insert option 1(i) or 1(ii)] above.
3. This Agreement for a settlement shall be binding upon all Parties.
4. The Parties agree that upon the signing of this settlement agreement, that there are
no further claims between them of any nature whatsoever from any and all liability or
damages of any kind, known or unknown, in contract or in tort, related to this
5. All Parties agree that the other Parties are free from any liability or wrongdoing. Any
liability or wrongdoing is expressly denied. Furthermore, the Parties each agree that
neither Party shall disparage the other to any third party at any time.
6. The Parties agree that the terms of this Agreement are the result of negotiations
between the Parties and constitute a final accord and satisfaction concerning all
disputes between them related to the outstanding debt described by this Agreement.
7. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the applicable laws in India.
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Maryland.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Settlement Agreement.

SWORN before me this _______________ day of ________________ 20XX
Notary Public
[insert name of notary public, stamp and sign]

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