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motion to present oral argument by video

Service Description

A motion to present oral argument by video is a request made by a party in a legal proceeding to appear and present their arguments via videoconference, instead of physically attending the court proceedings. Many courts have transitioned to remote hearings and videoconferencing with the current pandemic, making this motion more relevant than ever.

Drafting the motion to present oral argument by video:

The motion to present oral argument by video should include the following elements:

1.     Introduction: The introduction should clearly state the purpose of the motion, which is to request permission to present oral arguments via videoconference.

2.     Background: The background provides a brief overview of the case, including the procedural history and the issues to be addressed during the oral argument.

3.     Reasons for requesting videoconference: The party making the motion to present oral argument by video should provide reasons why they are requesting to present their argument via videoconference. This includes specific reasons, such as travel distance, health concerns, or accessibility issues.

4.     Proposed videoconference method: The motion to present oral argument by video should include a proposed videoconferencing method, such as Zoom or Skype, and provide details on how the party will connect to the videoconference, including any necessary equipment or software.

5.     Technical requirements: The motion should address any technical requirements necessary for the party to participate in the videoconference, such as internet speed, microphone, and camera specifications.

6.     Conclusion: This summarizes the reasons for the request and reiterates the party’s willingness to comply with any additional guidelines or requirements set by the court.

After drafting the motion to present oral argument by video, it must be filed with the court and served to all other parties involved in the case. Each court has its own rules and procedures for filing motions, so it is important to review the court’s guidelines before submitting the motion.

Requirements for the motion to present oral argument by video:

1.     Timing: The motion must be filed within a certain timeframe before the scheduled oral argument, typically at least 14 days prior.

2.     Consent: Some courts require the consent of all other parties before granting the motion to present oral argument by video.

3.     Technical test: Some courts may require the party making the motion to participate in a technical test to ensure that they can properly connect to the videoconference.

4.     Compliance: The party making the motion to present oral argument by video must comply with all court guidelines and rules for videoconferencing, such as dress code, background, and behavior during the videoconference.

In conclusion, a motion to present oral argument by video is a useful tool for parties who are unable to physically attend court proceedings. By following the requirements outlined by the court, parties can successfully present their oral arguments via videoconference.


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