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motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing

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A motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing is a legal document that is filed by a party in a lawsuit who wishes to request an extension of time to file a petition for rehearing. a petition for rehearing is a request made to the court to reconsider a decision that has been made in a case.

What are the requirements for the Motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing?

To file a motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing, certain requirements must be met. First, the party requesting the extension must have a valid reason for requesting the extension. This could include factors such as illness, family emergency, or other extenuating circumstances that prevented the party from filing the petition for rehearing on time.

Second, the motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing must be filed within the time frame specified by the court. This time frame varies depending on the jurisdiction and the type of case, but generally, the motion must be filed within a few days to a few weeks after the deadline for filing the petition for rehearing has passed.

Third, the motion must be accompanied by a proposed order granting the extension. This proposed order should include the new deadline for filing the Petition for Rehearing and should be signed by the judge or magistrate who will be hearing the case.

How to draft and file the Motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing:

To write and file a motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing, the following steps should be taken:

1.     Determine the deadline for filing the petition for rehearing and the deadline for filing the motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing.

2.     Draft a written motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing that includes the reason for the extension and the proposed new deadline for filing the petition for rehearing.

3.     Include a proposed order granting the extension that is signed by the judge or magistrate who will be hearing the case.

4.     File the motion with the court that is handling the case.

5.     Serve a copy of the motion on all parties involved in the case, including opposing counsel.

6.     Attend the hearing on the motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing, if one is scheduled by the court.

In conclusion, a motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing is an important legal document that can be used when a party needs additional time to file a petition for rehearing. It is important to meet the requirements for the motion and to follow the proper process for writing and filing the motion to ensure that it is granted by the court.


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