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deed of trust

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A deed of trust also known as a trust deed or a mortgage deed is a legal document that is used in real estate transactions to secure a loan. It is an agreement between the borrower, the lender, and a trustee. The trustee holds the legal title to the property until the loan is paid off. By having a deed of trust, the lender is protected in case of a default. The borrower is also protected as they know the terms of the loan and what is expected of them.
Drafting a Deed of Trust
The deed of trust should include:
1.     Names of the borrower, the lender, and the trustee.
2.     The deed of trust should also describe the property being used as collateral for the loan.
3.     The deed of trust should include the terms of the loan, including the interest rate, payment schedule, and any other conditions that the parties agree upon. It is essential to determine the correct interest rate and payment schedule as the borrower and the lender will be bound by this agreement.
4.     The deed of trust should also include provisions for default: Outline the circumstances that would constitute a default, as well as the remedies that the lender can take in the event of a default.
5.     The deed of trust should also outline the trustee’s role in the process. The trustee is responsible for holding the legal title of the property until the loan is paid off.
Filing a Deed of Trust
Once the deed of trust has been drafted, it must be filed with the appropriate county recorder’s office. This is typically done by the trustee. The deed of trust will become a public record once it has been filed.
When filing, it is important to check with the county recorder’s office to ensure that all necessary documents are included with the deed of trust.
Requirements of a Deed of Trust
These requirements must be met in order for a deed of trust to be legally valid:
1.     The deed of trust must be in writing
2.     The borrower must have legal title to the property being used as collateral
3.     The trustee must be a neutral third party
4.     The deed of trust must be signed and notarized by all parties involved
In conclusion, a deed of trust is an important legal document that is used in real estate transactions to secure a loan. Drafting and filing a deed of trust requires careful consideration of all parties involved. It is important to ensure that all requirements are met in order to avoid any legal issues down the line. Specific procedures of a deed of trust vary from state to state. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your deed of trust is drafted and filed correctly.


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