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deed of reconveyance

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The deed of reconveyance is a legal document that transfers the title of a property back to the borrower once the mortgage has been paid off. The deed of reconveyance is crucial in ensuring that the borrower has full ownership of the property and that the lender no longer has any claim to it.
Drafting a Deed of Reconveyance
The first step in drafting a deed of reconveyance is to gather all the necessary information, such as the property address, the borrower’s name and contact information, and the lender’s name and contact information. Once you have all the necessary information, you can begin drafting the deed of reconveyance.
The deed of reconveyance should include the following:
1.     The borrower’s name and contact information
2.     The lender’s name and contact information
3.     The property address
4.     The date the mortgage was paid off
5.     The amount of the mortgage
6.     A legal description of the property
7.     A statement that the lender is reconvening the property to the borrower
8.     The signature of the lender
It is important to note that the deed of reconveyance must be notarized and recorded with the county recorder’s office in the county where the property is located.
Filing a Deed of Reconveyance
After the deed of reconveyance has been drafted and notarized, it must be filed with the county recorder’s office in the county where the property is located. The filing fee varies by county, so it is important to check with the recorder’s office to determine the exact amount.
Once the deed of reconveyance has been filed, the borrower will receive the original document, along with a copy that has been recorded with the county recorder’s office. It is important to keep these documents in a safe place, as they serve as proof of ownership of the property.
Requirements of a Deed of Reconveyance
In order for a deed of reconveyance to be valid, it must meet certain requirements. These requirements include:
1.     The deed of reconveyance must be in writing
2.     The deed of reconveyance must be signed by the lender
3.     The deed of reconveyance must be notarized
4.     The deed of reconveyance must include a legal description of the property
5.     The deed of reconveyance must be recorded with the county recorder’s office
The deed of reconveyance is an important legal document that transfers ownership of a property back to the borrower once the mortgage has been paid off. It is crucial that the deed of reconveyance is drafted and filed correctly in order to ensure that the borrower has full ownership of the property and that the lender no longer has any claim to it. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, borrowers can ensure that their deed of reconveyance meets all necessary requirements and is filed correctly.


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