This Services Agreement is made on ________________ by and between XXX of XXX operating and trading as XXX (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Channeler”). Together referred to as the “parties”.

WHEREAS the parties herein have agreed to be bound by the following terms; –

The channeler herein will be able to log in to the platform and update their details, availability, price session, etc.

Then clients will go onto the platform and search for the channeler they like on the search button and then they can view and scroll through various channelers.

Once the client finds the channeler they like, they book a session with them, and on the day of the session, the client and the channeler shall “meet” each other online, talk to each other (over a video platform like Zoom) and then after an hour, the session ends. Both parties have to hang up for the session to end as it is not automatic.

The session will get recorded on the backend where the client can listen to it whenever they want.

Parties herein agree that the prices put on XXX by the Channeler should be the same price that they put on their own website/platforms. It can be less if the channeler chooses so, but it cannot be more.

The parties agree that the channeler will connect with energies/entities that people do not see and have them speak through them in the first person as if they were the entity themselves.

The parties herein agree that the Company shall receive a 10% commission net from all the channeling sessions. The channeler may pay themselves out of their wallet into their bank account whenever they want, as long as they have money in their wallet. All fees related to this transaction will be from their account.

  1. Discount and Promotions.

Parties herein agree that the Company is allowed to run a 30% discount off their prices when running promotions.

The Promotions will not be more than 50% of all channeling sessions that are done on the platform.

Parties agree that the Commission on the products sold through the website will be determined at a later stage when the system is built for selling these products.

The channeler will offer a 10% discount for a second person to join, a 20% discount for a third person to join, and a 30% discount for a fourth person to join, as per XXX pricing structure to clients.

  1. Sessions and Stars.

Parties herein agree that the channeler needs to do a minimum of four lessons/per month on our platform. If there are fewer than four lessons, the channeler needs to catch up the following month.

The channeler cannot fall below four lessons more than two months in a row, or they are out of the system.

The channelers need a minimum of 4 to 5 stars to remain on the system. The Stars are not public but the channeler be able to see them on the backend.

There shall be a Super channeler status when they reach 200 sessions or more and their average is 4.7 stars or more.

  1. Pro bono.

Parties herein agree that there shall be One pro bono session every three months that must be given to XXX

The Channeler must give feedback for the first three months, as and when requested. The channeler may use any method to give feedback, either by phone, WhatsApp, email, or zoom.

The Company will not request unreasonable feedback.

Parties agree that the Channeler must finish the full hour of each session. If the Channeler ends the session before 60 minutes, they will be penalized, unless the client finishes the session earlier. If a lesson is less than 60 minutes, the company will contact the Channeler to follow up and if it’s the client, the company will ask the client why they didn’t want to finish their hour as a courtesy call.

If the channeler finished earlier than 60 mins, the channeler will be penalized. And if it repeats three times in less than three months, the channeler will be locked out of the system.

In the event, the channeler is late more than 5 mins to a session, $10 is deducted from the channeler’s payment and given to the client.

If the channeler is more than 15 mins late, the session will be canceled and they will be penalized $10. Furthermore, the Channeler will not receive the money for this session and the client will be refunded.

The channeler guarantees that all information provided shall and is true and accurate.

The channeler shall endeavor to be a proactive member of the XXX community of channelers.

The channeler agrees to always act in the best interests of XXX and will uphold its name and reputation.

The channeler will not use discriminatory language or politically incorrect language and will not discriminate in any way.

  1. Dispute/Conflict Resolution.

If there arises any conflict or dispute during the performance of this Agreement, the same shall be negotiated between the parties amicable. If the same fails, the disagreement or dispute shall be referred to a neutral arbitrator whose final decision will be binding upon the parties.

  1. Governing Law.

The provisions and performance of this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

Either party to this Agreement may modify the provisions herein by the same modification being written and signed by both parties.

Suppose any provision in this Agreement is deemed by a Court of law to be invalid or unenforceable. The same shall be severed from the Agreement, and the remaining provisions shall continue to operate in full force and effect.

  1. Confidentiality.

Parties herein agree that all sessions shall remain private and the property of XXX

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date hereinbelow; –

By the Company; –Signature: __________________________

Name: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________

Email Address: ______________________


By the Channeler; –Signature: __________________________

Name: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________

Email Address: ______________________


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