This Service Agreement, herein referred to the "Agreement," made this _______ day of
______________ 20__ between AJS LAWNCARE AND PROPERTY SERVICES LLC,
herein referred to as the “Contractor” and _______________________ herein referred to
as the “Client” for services in residential and commercial lawn care services connection
with on the following described property: ____________________________________.
WHEREAS the Contractor desires to provide residential and commercial lawn care
services to the Client, and the Client desires to obtain the said lawn care services from
the Contractor.
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth below, the Contractor
and the Client shall agree to the terms and conditions herein contained in this Contract
and enumerated as follows:
1. Description of Service.
The Contractor agrees to perform in a good and workmanlike manner and shall provide
all services, materials, and labor as agreed.
The agreed services to be provided herein shall include but are not limited to; –
i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
2. Term.
Parties agree that this agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year from
_______________ hereinafter referred to as the “Effective date” up to
_________________ hereinafter referred to as the “End Date” unless otherwise
The average services will be provided either weekly or bi-weekly, whichever is agreed
upon between the parties.
3. Payment Terms.
In consideration of the performance of the Agreement, the Client agrees to pay to the
Contractor in current funds $_________ as compensation for the agreed services
For delays in the Project, which are not the Contractor’s responsibility, there will be an
equitable adjustment in the fee to compensate the Contractor for his increased expenses.
The above-mentioned payments shall be made on the last day of each month.
4. Changes/Modifications.
Any party herein can request any changes to the terms in the agreement and/or the
scope of work or service being performed, as well as any cost associated with change.
The request shall be made upon issuing a written letter (which will not be unreasonably
withheld), and the parties will prepare an addendum to this contract to be signed by both
In the event there is a change in the work to be performed, the extra cost incurred by the
Contractor will be met by the client.
5. Subcontracts.
A Subcontractor is a person or entity with a direct contract with the Contractor to perform
any Work in connection with the Project. The term Subcontractor does not include any
separate contractor employed by the Client or the independent contractors’
All portions of the Work that the Contractor does not perform with his forces shall be
performed under subcontract.
No contractual relationship shall exist between the Client and any Subcontractor. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the Subcontractors’ management in their work
6. Dispute/Conflict Resolution.
The Contractor and the Client hereby mutually agree to have mutual negotiations if there
arises a dispute concerning this contract. If the negotiations fail, parties may resolve the
issue through Arbitration governed by the State of Texas. The decision and award of the
arbitrator shall be final.
7. Termination.
Parties herein may terminate the terms in this agreement by issuing 30 days’ prior written
notice to the other party indicating the reasons for termination, which may include but are
not limited to; –
i. Non-payment
ii. Lack of cleaning up trash and maintaining property
iii. Breach of the terms
In the event the reason for termination is non-payment, the Client shall make the
necessary payment 7 days before the Contractor returns for the scheduled next service.
If payment is done as required, the notice shall cease to exist and parties shall continue
with the terms of the agreement.
8. Indemnification.
The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor and its employees from
and against all liability, claims, demands, and expenses, including court costs and
attorney fees, on account of any injury, loss, or damage, which may arise out of or are in
any manner connected with the work to be performed under this Contract, if any such
injury, loss or damage is caused in whole or in part by or is claimed to be caused in whole
or in part by, the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Contractor, any Subcontractor
of the Contractor, or any officer, employee, or agent of the Contractor.
9. Governing Law.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
state of Texas.
10. Severability.
Suppose any term, clause, or provision hereof is held invalid or unenforceable by a court
of competent jurisdiction. In that case, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or
operation of any other term, clause, or provision, and such invalid term, clause, or
provision shall be deemed severed from the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Contract, as of the day
and year set below.
Signed by the duly Authorized
Representative of the CONTRACTOR;
Signed by the CLIENT;
Email Address:
Email Address:
This Service Agreement, herein referred to the "Agreement," made this _______ day of
______________ 20__ between AJS LAWNCARE AND PROPERTY SERVICES LLC,
herein referred to as the “Contractor” and _______________________ herein referred to
as the “Client” for services in residential and commercial lawn care services connection
with on the following described property: ____________________________________.
WHEREAS the Contractor desires to provide residential and commercial lawn care
services to the Client, and the Client desires to obtain the said lawn care services from
the Contractor.
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth below, the Contractor
and the Client shall agree to the terms and conditions herein contained in this Contract
and enumerated as follows:
1. Description of Service.
The Contractor agrees to perform in a good and workmanlike manner and shall provide
all services, materials, and labor as agreed.
The agreed services to be provided herein shall include but are not limited to; –
i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
2. Term.
Parties agree that this agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year from
_______________ hereinafter referred to as the “Effective date” up to
_________________ hereinafter referred to as the “End Date” unless otherwise
The average services will be provided either weekly or bi-weekly, whichever is agreed
upon between the parties.
3. Payment Terms.
In consideration of the performance of the Agreement, the Client agrees to pay to the
Contractor in current funds $_________ as compensation for the agreed services
For delays in the Project, which are not the Contractor’s responsibility, there will be an
equitable adjustment in the fee to compensate the Contractor for his increased expenses.
The above-mentioned payments shall be made on the last day of each month.
4. Changes/Modifications.
Any party herein can request any changes to the terms in the agreement and/or the
scope of work or service being performed, as well as any cost associated with change.
The request shall be made upon issuing a written letter (which will not be unreasonably
withheld), and the parties will prepare an addendum to this contract to be signed by both
In the event there is a change in the work to be performed, the extra cost incurred by the
Contractor will be met by the client.
5. Subcontracts.
A Subcontractor is a person or entity with a direct contract with the Contractor to perform
any Work in connection with the Project. The term Subcontractor does not include any
separate contractor employed by the Client or the independent contractors’
All portions of the Work that the Contractor does not perform with his forces shall be
performed under subcontract.
No contractual relationship shall exist between the Client and any Subcontractor. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the Subcontractors’ management in their work
6. Dispute/Conflict Resolution.
The Contractor and the Client hereby mutually agree to have mutual negotiations if there
arises a dispute concerning this contract. If the negotiations fail, parties may resolve the
issue through Arbitration governed by the State of Texas. The decision and award of the
arbitrator shall be final.
7. Termination.
Parties herein may terminate the terms in this agreement by issuing 30 days’ prior written
notice to the other party indicating the reasons for termination, which may include but are
not limited to; –
i. Non-payment
ii. Lack of cleaning up trash and maintaining property
iii. Breach of the terms
In the event the reason for termination is non-payment, the Client shall make the
necessary payment 7 days before the Contractor returns for the scheduled next service.
If payment is done as required, the notice shall cease to exist and parties shall continue
with the terms of the agreement.
8. Indemnification.
The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor and its employees from
and against all liability, claims, demands, and expenses, including court costs and
attorney fees, on account of any injury, loss, or damage, which may arise out of or are in
any manner connected with the work to be performed under this Contract, if any such
injury, loss or damage is caused in whole or in part by or is claimed to be caused in whole
or in part by, the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Contractor, any Subcontractor
of the Contractor, or any officer, employee, or agent of the Contractor.
9. Governing Law.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
state of Texas.
10. Severability.
Suppose any term, clause, or provision hereof is held invalid or unenforceable by a court
of competent jurisdiction. In that case, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or
operation of any other term, clause, or provision, and such invalid term, clause, or
provision shall be deemed severed from the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Contract, as of the day
and year set below.
Signed by the duly Authorized
Representative of the CONTRACTOR;
Signed by the CLIENT;
Email Address:
Email Address: