This sales commission agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “agreement”) is entered into on this ________ day of __________ 20__by and between ______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”), and ________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Representative”). Together referred to as “parties”.

WHEREAS the purpose of this agreement is to document the sales commission structure which will govern compensation for goods or services sold by the Representative on behalf of the Employer.

  1. Purpose.

Parties agree that this agreement serves as authorization for the Representative to sell services on behalf of the Employer. 

These rights are non-transferable and non-exclusive. 

The Employer reserves the right to restrict the Representative’s rights through various geographic restrictions. 

The Representative agrees to sell services under the Employer’s brand and agrees that the Goods or services may not be rebranded.

The Representative agrees to abide by the Employer’s pricing policies. 

The Representative shall not offer discounts without the Employer’s written approval.

  1. Term.

This agreement shall be for a term of ___ years.

  1. Records.

The Representative agrees to use the documentation tool provided by the Employer and any other necessary system. The documentation shall be shared with the Employer whenever requested.

  1. Commission Structure.

The parties herein agree that the Employer will compensate the Representative for the sales of the Employer’s goods or services as follows:

  • 25% flat fee commission on the sales of accounting services in which the sales agent sold personally.

The commission will be paid out monthly on the 1st of each month for the accounting period ending in 30 days.

  1. Non-Compete.

The Representative agrees not to offer or represent any other brands that compete with the Employer while acting as a representative of the Employer and two years after termination.

  1. Non-Disclosure.

The Representative acknowledges that during the performance of his obligations under this agreement, they will come into contact with confidential information, trade secrets, and intellectual property to which they acknowledge and agree not to disclose to any third parties without the prior written consent from the Employer.

  1. Insurance.

The Representative agrees and acknowledges to carry liability insurance (including malpractice insurance, if warranted) relative to any service that they perform for the Employer.

  1. Compliance.

The Representative herein agrees to comply with the rules and regulations that the Employer has set.

  1. Governing Law.

The State of New York laws shall govern the terms and provisions of this agreement.

  1. Modification.

The parties herein may only modify or amend the terms herein by the same being reduced into writing and signed by both parties willingly.

  1. Waiver.

The parties agree that no waiver of the rights under this agreement shall be construed as a continuing waiver or as a consent to any future or subsequent breaches.

  1. Entire Agreement.

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties herein and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements or promises.

  1. Acceptance.

By the parties signing herein below, they accept to be legally bound by the terms and provisions of this agreement.

By the Employer: –Name: _____________________________Designation: ________________________Signature: __________________________Date: ______________________________ By the Representative: –Name: _____________________________Designation: ________________________Signature: __________________________Date: ______________________________
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