This Sale Agreement is made on this _________________ Between
_____________ (hereinafter referred to as the “seller”) and _____________
(hereinafter referred to as the “purchaser”) together referred to as “parties”.
WHEREAS the seller has agreed to sell the subject motor vehicle, and the purchaser
has agreed to buy the Motor Vehicle described hereinbelow and be bound by the
following terms of the sale; –
1. Description of the Vehicle.
The vehicle to be sold is identified by the following: –
Year: 2011 Make: Toyota Camry Body:
Model: __________________ Color: __________________ VIN:
Mileage: _____________
2. Purchase Price.
The agreed purchase price is $_____________.
The payment shall be made in four (4) equal installments over a period of four (4)
The amount payable shall be $1,500 – $2,000 per month.
3. The Purchaser.
The Purchaser’s details are as follows; –
Address: _____________________________ City:
State: _____________________________ Phone Number:
4. Handover.
Upon confirmation of the final installment payment, the seller shall release the title to
the purchaser and transfer all the ownership rights.
5. Inspection.
The purchaser herein agrees and acknowledges buying the property "as is" and that
they have inspected and are satisfied with the vehicle.
6. Dispute Resolution.

In case of any dispute or conflict that arises from the non-performance of the terms
in this Agreement, parties mutually agree to negotiate and resolve the dispute. If the
same fails, it shall be referred to a mediator.
7. Termination.
The parties further agree that the seller may decide to take the car back which he
shall refund in full all the amounts paid so far by the Purchaser.
In the event of any late payment, the agreement will be terminated.
8. Severability.
Suppose a provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction
to be invalid and unenforceable. In that case, it will be severed from the Agreement,
and the other provisions will continue and not be affected.
9. Governing Law.
The terms of this Agreement will be governed by the Laws of _________.
10. Waiver.
A waiver by any of the parties herein of any of their rights in this Agreement does not
infer a further waiver of that right or any other right provided in this Agreement.
In the performance of the conditions in this Agreement, time is of the essence.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the date
indicated hereinbelow.
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