TO: Amazon Seller: Rabbitgoo

FROM: ROOFPAX (US – Trade Mark, DE – Trade Mark).

Patent Holder: ECO FARE LTD

London, UK.

Dear Sir/Madam,


Reference is made to the above, and I hence strictly, mandatorily and firmly write to you and demand as hereunder expressed:

THAT FACTS well within your knowledge is that your company has been using the RoofPax product patent in association with the marketing and sale of your product under seller: Rabbitgoo with the ASIN: B07Q2XL4W1. This is to bring to your attention that RoofPax Hooks product is a registered patent pending with U.S. Patent Office Reg. No 29/680844 referring to our business.

THAT our federal registration of this patent provides us with certain proprietary rights. We are entitled to restrict the use of the patent, or a confusingly similar patent, in association with similar products. Our patent serves as an important and distinctive representation of our products as well as the goodwill of our company. We, therefore, find it is imperative protect it against any misrepresentation that may cause substantial harm, to our business by facilitating the loss of the patent’s effectiveness.

THAT your unauthorized use of our federally registered patent amounts to an infringement of our patent rights, and therefore, we respectively request that you immediately cease and desist in any further use of RoofPax product in association with the marketing, sale, distribution, or identification of your products. We have also filed a case file on Amazon. This may have your account blocked, earnings suspended, product unlisted, and have you sued. We are also aware of your monthly sale turnover of over $112,000 and we will demand a cut of it if you do not stop selling the hooks.

IN TERMS OF OUR DEMANDS, we recognize the fact that you may have been unaware of the conflict presented herein. However, that notwithstanding, we demand that you immediately cease and desist from further use of the RoofPax product patent in association with the marketing and sale of your product under seller: Rabbitgoo with the ASIN: B07Q2XL4W1, and any other activities that are related to the use of the mentioned patent, or any confusingly similar patent which is associated with the RoofPax brand. We further demand that a cut of the sale turnover worth over ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($112, 000), on a percentage that shall be communicate to you.

TAKE NOTICE unless you immediately cease and desist the use of the RoofPax product patent in association with the marketing and sale of your product under seller: Rabbitgoo with the ASIN: B07Q2XL4W1 within TEN (10) days from the date hereof, we shall institute proceedings to recover for infringement of our patent rights and sum amount against you at your own risk as to costs and other concomitant consequences flowing therefrom.



Colin McKee,

Head of RoofPax Legal Department

At Legal writing experts, we would be happy to assist in preparing any legal document you need. We are international lawyers and attorneys with significant experience in legal drafting, Commercial-Corporate practice and consulting. In the last few years, we have successfully undertaken similar assignments for clients from different jurisdictions. If given this opportunity, we will be able to prepare the legal document within the shortest time possible. If the above sounds reasonable to you, please do not hesitate to write back.