This Revenue Sharing Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into as of ____________(DATE) by and between Jeffrey Sada of JS Media Group and Elana Roumell of Med School for Moms (MSFM), both of whom agree to be bound by this Agreement.

WHEREAS, JSM owns advertising material and agrees to create marketing material and incur the expenses of those materials to market Med School for Moms Online Course.

WHEREAS, MSFM agrees to make short videos and answer questions as required to attain the success of the project.

WHEREAS, Jeffrey and Elana desire to enter into an agreement whereby they will share profits realized from the marketing material due to the efforts of Jeffrey according to the terms and conditions herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made by the parties hereto, the Parties covenant and agree as follows:

  1. TERM: This Agreement shall last from the date of execution until terminated by thirty (30) days’ written notice by either party.
  2. EFFECT OF TERMINATION. Upon termination according to section, the following shall occur:
  3. JSM shall continue to receive the profit share if two years have not elapsed.
  4. JSM shall direct all further inquiries regarding the materials back to MSFM
  5. JSM shall return or destroy any physical or digital copies of MSFM’s proprietary information in its possession including but not limited to marketing material, business plans, customer lists, and pricing information.

In Consideration for the revenue share granted herein, JSM shall perform the following duties:

  1. Create ads, funnels and landing passes.
  2. Media buying
  3. Get prior written approval from MSFM before running ads.

In consideration for the duties performed hereunder, JSM shall be entitled to 50% revenue (net income) earned for sales of the Product for two years.


The Parties agree that the Parties shall be considered independent contractors and not agents or employees of the other Party. Neither Party shall have authority to make any statements, representations, or commitments of any kind, not take any action which shall be binding on the other Party, except as may be expressly provided for herein or authorized in writing.


 JSM shall not, in any fashion, form or manner, either directly or indirectly:

  1. Disclose or communicate to any party any information relating to MSFM’s business or the Product including but not limited to customer lists, price points or marketing information.
  2. Duplicate any confidential information.
  3. Use any Confidential Information other than solely for the benefit of MSFM.
  4. Assist a third party in suing any Confidential Information in any manner but solely for the benefit of MSFM.

JSM shall receive written confirmation from the Company in using any marketing materials related to the Product that were not directly provided by MSFM.


JSM agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSFM from and against any and all third party claims (or other losses) that are based upon JSM’S : (a) violation of the law, (b) violation of this Agreement, or (c) violation of any third party’s rights.


No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by both Parties.


This Agreement represents the full understanding of the Parties and shall supersede all previous oral or written agreements regarding the subject matter herein.


This Agreement and the interpretation of its terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ________________ and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in ______________.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Consulting Agreement, both Parties by its duly authorized officer, as of the day and year set forth below.

Name: Jeffrey Sada

Signature:  _______________

Date: ________________

Name: Elana Roumell

Signature: ____________

Date: _____________

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