[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
Dear [insert Name]:
I am writing to request a hardship transfer for my son,Wani Kose, from his current facility North Kern State Prison, which is approximately 265 miles, or 4 hours, away from my home. Due to age and other complications, I have suffered a knee injury and can no longer travel that distance to see my son, so I hope he can move closer to me.
Wani Kose has been an inmate at North Kern State Prison for the required [insert number] months and has a clean record of good behavior. It is so important for my son to see his mother. However, up until now I have been the only one who could drive the distance, and now that ability is beyond me. I suffered my knee injury on [date] and I find myself severely limited. I am attaching a letter from my doctor outlining my medical condition and the restrictions it puts upon me.
Of equal importance, is that Wani Kose will be able to receive better treatment as he suffers from [insert medical condition] causing him to have a low blood cell count. He will also be able to attend the funerals of three family members who have recently passed on, and with whom he shared a strong bond.
This has already been a very trying, difficult time. I love my son and the thought of no longer being able to see him frequently is heartbreaking to me. I sincerely hope that you will understand the hardships that I as a mother have gone through and grant this transfer request. Thank you for your time and consideration.
[insert mother’s Name]
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