This Rental Agreement between __________________ (Company) of _________________ (“ADDRESS”) and ___________________ (“Renter”) of _____________________ (“ADDRESS”) is entered on this ___________ day of __________ (“Effective Date”). Collectively known as the “Parties”. The Parties hereby agree as follows:


Name: _______________

Type: ________________

Model/Year: _________________


Renter certifies that he/she has examined the craft and equipment and finds it acceptable and suitable for the purpose for which it is rented. The Renter agrees that he/she will operate the craft following all safety rules and regulations as posted in the office or on the craft and further certifies that he/she has read and understands the said rules and regulations.


Boat owners must submit a valid photo ID and proof of insurance to BoatSwapp. 

All renters must submit a valid photo ID and proof of boating license to BoatSwapp when renting motorized water craft. 

  1. TERM

The Rental period will start from __________ and it will end on ________________. All rentals take place from dusk to dawn. The scheduled date cannot be canceled and the payment made will not be refunded. 


If the Renter wishes to extend, the Renter should contact the Company to notify them that the rental period will be extended. If the Company agrees, then the additional payment will be made after the extended rental period. 



The rental amount will be ____________

The total hours agreed by both parties are ____________

The payment will be made via _____________


The Renter agrees to pay a security deposit of __________. This will be refunded when the rental period ended. This fee will be used to cover any damage to the boat, if there are any.

  • FUEL

Renter acknowledges that the fuel is included in the rental price, but Renter should make arrangements with Company to refuel. If Renter elects to refuel the boat, any spills, waste of fuel, or damage will be Renter’s responsibility.


The reservation can be canceled if the Company is notified ____ days before the rental period term. The reservation fee will be refunded as well. If it is less than ______ days prior, the reservation fee cannot be refunded even if the rental session was canceled. 

If the rental period were already paid in advance, it would be refunded provided that the Renter canceled two days before the rental period.


The number of persons allowed in the boat is __________. The number listed in this section should be followed strictly.


The Renter will be responsible for any damages, issues, or bad conditions done to the boat during the rental period. The repair or replacement fees will be charged on the Renter’s credit card.


If a person is  age 18 he/she can rent non-motorized personal water craft and if a person is age 21 and above, he/she can rent all motorized personal water crafts. 



The Renter agrees and acknowledges the risks of driving a boat in the water. The water flow might change, tides, winds, or waves and other risk factors. Therefore, all watercrafts must stay in the same body they were launched in and returned to the launch point at the end of the rental. 


The Owner is responsible for purchasing and maintaining appropriate insurance for the boat/jet ski. If requested by the Renter, the certificate of insurance can be viewed.

The Renter’s personal properties are not covered in the Owner’s insurance against loss, theft, and negligence.


Alcohol is prohibited while on board.

Smoking is also prohibited. 


The Renter is required to sign a waiver before taking this boat.


The Renter indemnifies the Company free and harmless against any liabilities like accidents, loss of property, injury, or death of any person and legal fees.


This Agreement shall be governed under the laws of the State of ______________–.


The undersigned now agrees that both the Company and the Renter read this Boat Rental Agreement and acknowledge it.


Company Signature Renter Signature


_______________________ _________________________

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