This Rental Agreement is entered into this _________ day of _______________
20___, by and between, XXX (“Owner”) on one part; and XXX
and XXX, “Renter” on the other part; for the mansion located at XXX NV, (“Property”). Together referred to as “parties.”
1. Term.
 The term of the agreement shall begin on July 2 nd, 20XX, at 12 p.m. and
end on the same day at 11 p.m.

2. Purpose.
 The agreed purpose for this agreement is for the owner to rent out her
mansion to the renter for consideration, for the use by the renter in
having a pool party.

3. Rent.
 The renter will pay the owner $ 4000 as rent for the occupation of a
capacity of 250 people, which amount will be paid on the same day
once both parties sign this agreement.

4. Non-Disturbance Clause.
 The owner shall ensure that everything runs smoothly during the entire
rental period, and the intended party by the renter will not be disturbed
by neighbors or any other person.

5. Care of Premises.
 The parties agree that the actual party hours are 2 p.m. -9 p.m. and the
hours before and after will be used for setting up and cleaning up.
 The property will be left in a clean state before exiting the property.
 The renter agrees to compensate the owner for any damage to
furnishings, household items, or the swimming pool resulting from their
6. Cancellations.
 If the renter or the owner cancels this agreement, the canceling party
will inform the other early in advance, and a refund of the money
already paid will be affected.

7. Extensions.

 The parties hereto may elect to extend this agreement upon such
terms and conditions as may be agreed upon in writing and signed by
parties at the time of any such extension request from any party.

8. Severability.
 The provisions of this agreement are severable. If any provision is held
to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision.

9. Entire Contract.
 This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.
It supersedes all prior oral or written agreements or understandings
between the parties concerning the subject matter of this contract.
Save as may otherwise be provided in this agreement, the terms and
conditions set out in this agreement are the only terms on which the
Owner is prepared to deal with the Renter.

10. Dispute Resolution Mechanism.
 Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising from or relating to this
agreement or the interpretation, breach, or validity thereof shall be
resolved through negotiation between the parties.
 The dispute shall be referred to mediation if a resolution cannot be
11. Governing Law.
 This contract shall be governed by and according to the laws of the
State of Nevada.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Party has executed this Agreement as of the day
and year set forth below.
Signed by the OWNER; –


Name: Felicia Hague

Date: ………………………………………

Signed by the RENTER; –

Signature: ……………..…. ………….………..

Name: Steven Mason and Tashonna Dockery

Date: ……………………………………….

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