_______________(CEDING COMPANY)
AND_____________________________ (PRODUCER)

THIS AGREEMENT is made on the ………… of………….20……., (hereinafter,
“Effective Date”) entered into by the Ceding Company and the Producer (Ceding Company and
Producer collectively referred to as the “Parties” or individually as the “Party”) and includes that
Party’s successors and assigns.
In consideration of covenants and agreements contained in this agreement, and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Parties agree to the
following terms and conditions and to be bound thereby:
 The Ceding Company shall reinsure 100% of all insurance premiums generated by the
Producer and received by the Ceding Company (less any payable claims and
administrative costs per the fee schedule) from the Effective Date hereof until such time
as the Producer shall establish a valid and authorized reinsurance business (“Reinsurer”)
capitalized under the laws of ____________state within ____________days from the
Effective Date.
 The following additional costs will also be covered by the Reinsurer to the Ceding
Company: premium, taxes e.g municipal taxes, expenses reimbursements or
commissions, acquisition costs paid to brokers, producers, or their agents, license fees,
and special ceding assessment fees, board, exchange, bureau, or joint underwriting
assessments, guarantee fund assessments, and any administrative, management, or
service fees accrued on any premium herein.
 The Parties’ liability for each cession will start at the same time.
 In order to establish an account for the deposit of assets equal to any unearned premium
reserve and any claim reserves that Ceding Company has not withheld from Reinsurer
(each reserve being determined by the Ceding Company in a manner that is considered
reasonable), Reinsurer shall enter into an Investment Agreement with Ceding Company.
 In the event that either party becomes insolvent or is placed in receivership, this
Agreement will be terminated, with the exception of reinsurance that has been ceded or
taken hereunder before to the date of such insolvency or receivership.
 Every provision is only in effect to the extent that the action in question is permitted by
the relevant rules, regulations, and laws.
 Either Party may request changes to the agreement, but they will only be effective if
agreed in writing, and signed by all Parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this agreement, as of the day and
year set forth below.
Signed by the duly authorized representative
Name: …………………………………………
Designation: ……………………………………
Date: …………………………………………….

Signed by the duly authorized representative
Name: …………………………………………

WITNESS: Signature: …………………… Name………………………… Date………………


Contract administration; _____
 Administration fee: $______________
Agent Servicing: __________
Corporate services: _________
 Formation fee: $_______________________
 Annual maintenance fee: $_______________
Insuring company: __________

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