How will you as a health care manager ensure regulations other than HIPAA are applied in your organization to maintain compliance? Provide examples naming two regulations other than HIPAA

  • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)

As a health care manager, I will encourage health care providers to adopt Electronic Health Care Records supporting technology. The HITECH Act states that patients have the right to obtain electronically protected information (PHI). As a health care manager, I will ensure patients get their PHI in electronic format.

As a health care manager, I will ensure my organization has up to date privacy and security documentation to avoid being sued for willful neglect. Also, in an unsecured breach of electronically stored information of a patient, I will ensure the patient is notified promptly. In case the unsecured breach affects 500 patients or more, I will email them to notify them of the breach and steps being taken. Besides emailing the patients, I will notify HHS and local media.

  • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

As a health care manager, I will ensure all medicines are correctly stored and ensure the drugs are not misbranded or adulterated. Also, I will ensure the drugs contain the name of the manufacturer, the place of business, manufacturing date, expiry date, the ingredients of the drug, and its effects. Also, I will sure patients’ food is handled in a sanitary and hygienic manner. 

As a health care manager, I will allow inspection and investigation by the FDA. They ensure that my organization has complied with the set rules and standards by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.



  1. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act (2009)
  2. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) (1938)

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