This Agreement is made by and between MWF (hereinafter referred to as the “Referees”) and __________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Provider”). Together referred to as “Parties”.

WHEREAS the parties have herein agreed to be legally bound by the following terms and conditions; –


This agreement is made and becomes effective on the date of execution and it shall be binding from XXX i.e., for a period of two (2) years.

The purpose of this Agreement is for the Referees to refer clients to the Service Provider to provide the needed services.

The provided services herein are; –

  1. _____________________________
  2. _____________________________
  • _____________________________
  1. _____________________________
  2. Payment

In consideration of its services under the Agreement, the Referee shall pay ________ which shall be due on the first day of the previous month.

All the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any confidential information must be kept confidential unless disclosure is required under the process of law.

Disclosing or using this information for any purpose beyond the scope of this Agreement or the exceptions set forth above is expressly forbidden without the Parties’ prior consent.

  1. Termination

Either Party may terminate the Agreement by issuing a 30 calendar days prior written notice to the other Party. If the Referee terminates the Agreement, they shall reimburse the Service Provider any amounts due for the already performed Services.

  1. Dispute Resolution

In the case of a dispute, the Parties undertake to engage in good faith negotiation to resolve it. If the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute, they agree to resort to binding mediation or arbitration. In the case of Arbitration and/or Mediation, the victorious Party is entitled to recover its legal expenses, including but not limited to lawyers’ fees.

  1. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Michigan.

  1. Notices

Any notice served under this Agreement shall be made in writing and shall be considered served if it is handed to the other Party in person or delivered to their last known address or any other such address as the Party being served may have notified as his address for service.

A notice delivered via e-mail to a known and agreed e-mail address is considered as valid notice All notices shall be delivered in English.

  1. Entire Agreement.

This Agreement contains the Parties’ complete understanding of their respective rights and duties and agrees that this Agreement takes precedence over any previous written or oral discussions between the Parties.

The waiver by either party of the breach of any covenant or provision in this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by either party.

Either party to this Agreement may modify/amend or have an addendum to the provisions of this agreement by having the same being in writing and signed by both parties.

The Referee; –Signed: ______________________________

Name: ______________________________

Date: ________________________________

The Service Provider; –Signed: ______________________________

Name: ______________________________

Date: ________________________________

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