• Your children should be at daycare by 9:30 am at the latest or they will not be able to attend daycare for that day if they are late.


  • Monday is the payday, if any payment is late, the next week’s payment will be added to it and all payments made together.
  • Any Concurrent late payments and/or consistent late payments shall result in the termination of your child from the program.
  • Weekly rates are based on 9 hours a day, if an extension of hours is needed, there will be an additional fee to be applied.


  • Child Care fees are based on 9 hours a day work week, including holidays.
  • All absences must be paid in full. Please notify xxx Daycare, by 9 p.m. the prior day if your child is ill or not coming that day. Reasons, why your child may not be able to attend, are:
  1. fever of 99.9 or above
  2. chicken pox
  • vomiting
  1. diarrhea
  2. pneumonia
  3. or any other serious illness
  • There shall be One-week (5 days) of personal vacation and five (5) days paid sick days per At least two-week notices will be given so that arrangements can be made.


  • For any damage caused by the child, compensation of the damages shall be made by the respective parents.


I/We,     as parents/legal guardians of _________________________ have read and understand the terms and conditions as outlined in this addendum contract and agree to accept them.

SIGNATURE: _______________________________   DATE: _____________________________

(Parent/ Guardian)                                                                (Date)

Accepted by Shivani’s Daycare on ____________________________________

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