This Radio Airtime Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered the ____ day of _____ 2021 (the “Effective Date”), The Virtuous Hour Media and Marketing LLC through Power Influence Radio, Contact Info: _____________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Station”), and __________, Address _____________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”).

NOW THEREOF, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made by the Parties hereto, the Parties covenant and agree as follows:

  • TERM.

The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period _____ [Days/Weeks/Months], commencing on the Effective Date herein.


The Station shall provide the Client air advertisement which shall either be pre-recorded shows or live in studio shows. Show submissions shall be as follows:

  1. Pre-recorded shows-the Company must receive the Client’s MP3 file: 
Monday  Friday
Tuesday  Saturday 
Wednesday  Sunday
Thursday Monday 
Friday Tuesday 
Saturday Wednesday 
Sunday Thursday 

The Client understands the if their file is not received by 5pm CST/6pm EST on the day it is due a rerun of the previously aired show will automatically fill that time slot.

  1. Live-shows-a 72 hour notice is needed if a show will need to have a pre-recorded/rerun aired.

Pre-recorded shows submitted- Thirty Dollars ($30) per hour

Live in studio shows- Fifty Dollars ($50) per hour

Invoices shall be emailed on the 10th of each month, payments are due monthly on the 15th. Late fees of Fifty Dollars ($50) shall be assessed on payments received after the 20th

The Client shall pay a one-time non-refundable fees of One Hundred Dollars ($100) programming fee, plus a one month airtime due on the Effective Date herein.

      1. The Station agrees that during the term of this Agreement and termination/cancellation thereof, the content of the Client’s shows shall remain the Client’s intellectual property, and shall not lay any claims on the said content. The Client agrees to allow the Station to use the Client’s brands and/or slogans for promotional purposes pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
      2. The Station shall not liable for any legal issues such as copyright infringement issues arising from the Client’s content covered under this Agreement. The Client agrees to defend and indemnify the Station against any and all claims thereof.

The Parties acknowledge that either Party can terminate/cancel this Agreement at any time provided that they issue a 30 Day Written Notice on the same. Once the termination/cancellation notice has been received, an email will be sent to confirm cancellation date, the Station shall release the Client’s time slot for availability.


In the event of any issues regarding the execution of the terms stated in this Agreement or the performance of obligations stated, the Client shall send all questions and concerns to the Station’s email The Client shall allow the Company 48-72 hours to response resolution.  

    1. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, between the parties related to the subject matter hereof.  No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties hereto.
    2. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ________, USA. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall be in _________, USA.
    3. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Station and the Client and their respective successors and assigns, provided that the Station may not assign any of their obligations under this Agreement without the Client’s prior written consent.  

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties as of the Effective Date.

STATION: _____________            ______________________                        ___________

                        (SIGNATURE)                  (NAME)                                                 (DATE)

CLIENT: _____________              ________________________                    ___________

                    (SIGNATURE)                           (NAME)                                               (DATE)

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