STATE OF MINNESOTA                                                     DISTRICT COURT SECOND

COUNTY OF RAMSEY                                                        JUDICIAL DISTRICT

  LA’MONT KNAZZE III, PRO SE                                     Plaintiff, v.   NORTH END SELF STORAGE MN LLC; NORTH END SELF STORAGE L.L.C; 1370 GOPHER STATE STORAGE; NOKEY’S 24 HOUR TOWING AND WRECKING SERVICE; AND LOWRELL ROYAL ANDERSON IN HIS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND AS TRUCKER, AGENT, OWNER, OPERATOR OF NOKEY’S 24 HOUR TOWING AND WRECKING SERVICE                                Defendants.                                                                                   Court File No.: 62-CV-21-494   Judge: Laura Nelson   Case Type: Contract   Jury Trial Demanded       PROPOSED ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE AMENDED COMPLAINT                                                                   

THIS MATTER came to be considered by the Court pursuant to Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint filed by the Plaintiff in the above-styled cause. The Court having considered the Motion and being fully advised of the premises, it is, therefore,


  1. That the Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint is and the same is hereby granted.
  2. That the Amended Complaint attached to the afore-referenced Motion shall be deemed filed as of the date of this Order.
  3. Defendant(s) already served with the Amended Complaint shall have twenty (20) days from the date of this Order in which to file a responsive pleading.
  4. Defendant(s) who have filed a responsive pleading to the original Complaint need not file a further response to the Amended Complaint unless they wish to do so, and their response shall stand over to the Amended Complaint. However, if they elect to file a response to the Amended Complaint, they shall do so within twenty (20) days from the date of this Order.
  5. Defendant(s) not yet served shall be served with the Amended Complaint as provided by law.

DONE AND ORDERED in Ramsey County, Minnesota this _______ day of ____, 2021.


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