We care about data privacy and security. Please review our Privacy Policy. You agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy, whether you are an account holder or not, by using the Site which should be read together with our Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer. If you disagree with any provision herein, please immediately discontinue use of the Site.

This privacy policy (“Policy”) will help you understand how Athlinker, LLC (“us,” “we,” “our”) uses and protects the data you provide to us when you visit and use www.athlinker.com (“website,” “service”).

Data Collection

We may collect the following Personal identification information (PII) and non-personal identifying information (NPII): your name, business name, address, location,  IP address, contact information, credit/debit card numbers, account numbers, online search interests and preferences and your device’s information.

Data Usage

We may use your data to understand your needs better, improve our services and products, send you correspondence, make payments and marketing e.g. promotional emails, contact you to fill out surveys, participate in other types of market research.

Date sharing

We may share your data with Affiliates, representatives  and Third Parties such as third-party payment processors and in compliance with the law.

 Data Retention

We may keep your information for as long as it is needed for the reasons described in this 

Privacy Statement. We are not obligated to store your information for the benefit of you or any other third party.

Safeguarding and Securing the Data

Athlinker, LLC is committed to securing your data and keeping it confidential. Athlinker, LLC will do everything in its power and using commercially reasonable methods, to prevent data theft, unauthorized access, and disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee 100% security of your data.

Our Cookie Policy

We use automated channels to collect data such as cookies. Cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies may be used by us. Accepting cookies is the default setting in most browsers. You have the option to remove or reject cookies, but doing so may jeopardize the service’s availability and functionality. 

Once you agree to allow our website to use cookies, you also agree to the use of the data it collects regarding your online behavior (analyze web traffic, web pages you spend the most time on, and websites you visit). The information we collect by using cookies is used to customize our website to your needs. 

Third-party resources and links

Links to third-party websites or resources may be included in the Site.Third parties may be entrusted with the display of advertisements and the provision of analytics services on our behalf. These third parties may collect information about you.This information may be used for a variety of objectives, such as market research, advertising, service modification, and statistics.

Restricting the Collection of your Personal Data

You have the right to request access to, correct, transfer, delete, limit, or restrict the processing or use of your data.

Modifications and interruptions

We reserve the right to change, modify, or remove the Site’s contents at any time or for any reason at our sole discretion without notice.

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